
Monday, October 24, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 10/24/16

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

 Very Fall-like!  And I'm loving it :)

On my breakfast plate:
Slim Fast Shake.
As I look outside my window:::
Beautiful Fall colors:

As I look around the house::::
The dishes are washed.  Many thanks to the girls for getting them done for me :)

On today's to do list::::
  Clean house.
Schedule Kaylee's ortho appt.
Order more checks.
Decide on our health insurance for the new year.
Happening this week::::
Monday....Clean, work on Demelza, watch Poldark.
Tuesday....Me Day, Work on Demelza.
Wednesday... Baking day with Mom, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday.....Menu and grocery list, laundry, work on Demelza .
Friday....Grocery Shopping
Saturday....Pancake breakfast at Church, Schedule for next week, bedrooms.

Currently reading::::


It was time in my reading rotation to read a historical novel so I picked this one off my shelf to read next.  I haven't started it yet, so I'll have to let you know what I think later on.

On the TV::::
My cousin's little boy stayed with us on Friday night and we had to watch "Descendants" AGAIN!  He wants to watch it every time he's here.  Even though it has been on the TV many times, I found myself seeing parts that I hadn't seen before.  I guess I hadn't really sat down and watched the whole thing before.
I have 2 episodes of Poldark to catch up on and also an episode of "Timeless".

I'm so behind on all my other shows, that I just might give up on them!
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Spaghetti, garlic bread, green beans, grapes
Tuesday - Baked chicken breast, cheesy potatoes, corn, apples
Wednesday - Pork chops, mashed potatoes, peas, pears
Thursday - Dan's Day (My brother will bring something home, so no cooking!)
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Pancake Breakfast at Church
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment:::: 
Part 5 of the Demelza CAL, came out last Thursday.  This part is for the panels that go alongside the middle square.  I need to make four of these.  One down; 3 to go!
  BTW, this CAL is going on in the Pippin Crochet Club group on facebook.  Come join us!
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::


  1. Good morning... I enjoyed my visit.... You better get caught up on Poldark the action is moving on at a steady clip.... have a lovely week!!

  2. I think I'll take tomorrow to get caught up on Poldark while crocheting :)

  3. Wow, what a great view. I'd be so tempted to stare at that view all day and get nothing done if it was right outside my window! Hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. It is amazing to go for a walk and look at the mountains!

  4. Enjoyed this glimpse into your day and week!

    Thanks so much for sharing! :-)

  5. I just started Poldark! I'll look for your review of this book ... it looks like one I would like!

  6. Oh what a pretty band of colours - it's going to look amazing when it's all put together :)

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to see it all put together!

  7. That looks beautiful. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! It will look even better when combined with the other squares :)


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