
Monday, February 1, 2016

Make it Monday ~ Vibrant Vintage CAL Weeks 1-6 ~ 2/1/16

The third and final CAL I'm participating in for 2016 is the Vibrant Vintage CAL by Cypress Textiles.  Each week there is a fancy square plus a plain granny square to complete.  Mine are coming out to about 6" each.
Here are the 12 squares that have been completed and edged so far:
Week #1:  Rebecca Square

Week #2:  Ana Maria Square

Week #3:  Cecilia Square

Week #4:  Nicolas Square

Week #5:  Darlene Square

Week #6:  Melissa Square

I like how it is coming together and two squares to complete a week is a breeze!  I'm even ahead a few weeks :)

Please leave me a comment with a link so I can return the visit!!


  1. I think my favourite one is the Darlene Square! Love these. I'm working on a lot of stitching at them moment :)

  2. Wow I love the pretty squares you crocheted!
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

  3. These look great! I don't crochete, but I have a daughter and granddaughters who do so I passed this along to them. Visiting as your neighbor at #MomstheWord.

  4. This is ALL so pretty! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  5. Doing a weekly CAL sounds like a great way to knock out a blanket like this. Your squares are looking good!

  6. Those are lovely squares, I really like the Ana Maria square pattern. You've chosen some lovely yarn colours and the border ties them all together beautiful and makes the colours pop. You're going to have a lovely blanket when you're finished

  7. Wow..: i did not know each of them has a name :) Super cool!

  8. Ooh they looks lovely, I love how the edging is all done the same. It'll look great when it's all sewn together! :)


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