
Monday, February 1, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/1/16

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

 Warming up!

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Frosted Mini Wheats,  I picked up the wrong kind of Special K :(

As I look outside my window:::
  The snow is melting slowly but surely.  
As I look around the house::::
Not too bad.  I do need to tackle the dishes though.

On today's to do list::::
  We'll be heading to the gym this morning.  Then I need to start washing laundry.  This evening Laken is cheering at a Basketball game. 
Happening this week::::
Monday.....HAPPY FEBRUARY!  Gym, start laundry.
Tuesday....LAKEN'S BIRTHDAY!!  Cleaning Day, Cheer.
Wednesday....  Gym and Fold/Put Away Laundry, Bake Cupcakes, Prayer Meeting
Thursday.....Menu and Grocery List, Cheer in the evening.
Friday....Gym, groceries, virtual Tea Party with some friends.
Saturday....Church Cleaning, Clean Bedrooms, Schedule for the week and family time.

Currently reading::::


I'm getting ready to start "Made to Last" by Melissa Tagg.  It is about a women who stars in a homebuilding TV show and a reporter.  It looks like it will be a fun read.

On the TV today::::

I finally DVR'd and watched Hallmark's "Unleashing Mr. Darcy".  I thought it was really sweet!  I knew I had read a book by the same name and was hoping it was an adaptation of the book.  So many times I read a book and think "This would make a great movie!"


On the menu this week::::

Monday - Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
Tuesday - Weiner Winks, French Fries, Broccoli
Wednesday - Dinner at my brother's.
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Out!
Saturday - Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Toast
Sunday - Dinner at Church (I'm taking Oatmeal Cake)

What I am creating at the moment:::: 
I've been working on getting all the squares up-to-date for the Vibrant Vintage CAL.  I edged the ones I have done so far this weekend.
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

Happy Monday!!!

Linking up to :  Menu Plan Monday


  1. Love the quote, and the vintage squares, have a good weekx

  2. Love the squares! Your menu looks yummy! And now I need to find that movie ondemand if I can! Have a great week!

  3. Oh Hi have to say. I'm working on illustrating that scripture right now. I used roses around it. But I have to add a crown. Lovely.
    I'm making a scripture journal for my daughter.
    I really enjoyed your post! I enjoy the Hallmark movies. Thanks for sharing your plans for the week!

  4. Your vintage squares are so beautiful!
    I hope you have an amazing week!

  5. Sounds like you have a pretty full week! That book does look like a fun read.

  6. A good quote! Great progress with the squares. It sounds like a busy, but good week with a birthday celebration as well! All the best.

  7. Send some of your warm weather this way please! Lol

    That book looks really cute. The hallmark show sounds cute too. ;)

    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead Hon! xoxo


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