
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Workout Wednesday ~ Week 4 ~ 1/20/16

(graphic found on google)
My inspiration:
Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3


If you noticed, I've changed the title of this post from Weigh-in Wednesday to Workout Wednesday.

It was either that or give up.

I've been kicking my butt with working out and staying on my eating plan just to have gained 1.2 pounds this week.  Very disappointing to say the least!

I was very down after weighing in.  I decided that this is NOT what getting healthier is about.  All the work I've been putting in has got to be doing something even if it isn't showing up on the scale at this point.

I know that this will definitely be healthier for me mentally.  I'm going to focus on the workout and not the weighing in.  I'll still be weighing in each week just to keep track but I won't be giving the number on the scale so much power.

I do NOT want to give up.  Especially because in the past it has been this point that I HAVE given up and I don't want to keep repeating the same mistakes.  I want this time to be different!

I don't know if anyone understands my dilemma or not..  What do you do to get over a set-back, slump, disappointment?

My week's stats:

Miles:  18
Total Miles:  54

Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up to  WholeHearted WednesdayR&R, Word Filled Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  The Mommy Club, Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with IntentionWorkout Wednesday and Fitness Friday.


  1. Keep persevering! So tough when results are disappointing!

  2. Great job deciding to rename the post and to switch your mentality. That is so much better than giving up! I hope that you find it helpful and that you push through even when frustrated.

    I just finished creating a Health/Wellness/Fitness printable planner and I did not include a page with weight and other stats for this reason. Tracking miles, minutes, reps or something else is much better. Because then you can focus on your progress and not get held up on a weight or measurement.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Well done on keeping going!!! I am sure that in any weight loss and/or fitness plans there are ups and downs, it is the long term picture that is important rather than the individual little bits one at a time, so keep going and I am sure that it will all come good! xx

  4. Yes, you've reached the point where I usually give up, too. But I'm not going to this time. And neither will you! Hang in there...

  5. I've been working out since October with NO physical outcome BUT, mentally? I feel a lot better because I'm doing it. My one word? DISCIPLINE!!!

  6. Great idea to change the title of your post! Congratulations on keeping it going! Even though my workouts sometimes feel like drudgery, I am committed to getting them done 5 days a week. I joined CrossFit for a while, which I enjoyed. When I began, I was a 140 pound size 12. When I stopped I was a 150 size 6 thanks to gaining muscle from lifting weights. As you gain muscle, sometimes the scale can feel a bit deceitful. Hang in there! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  7. As a fitness professional I know many understand your dilemma. I love that you've taken power away from the numbers on the scale. Focus on how you feel. You know. That amazing feeling after a workout. The mental boost of confidence. That's what will keep you motivated and on track.

    Thanks for sharing with friends at Living a Life of Fitness Health & Happiness. Have an awesome weekend!

  8. Oh, Coletta, I KNOW how frustrating that is!!!! Glad you're sticking with it, inspires me, too! I appreciate you sharing this over at Coffee & Conversation this week - please do come back and keep us updated (and inspired!) with your developments!
    You can DO this! ;-)
    Have a great week!!


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