
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Three Things Thursday ~ The Snowstorm ~ 1/28/16
 Absolute Mommy & The Foley Fam are hosting a new linkup!
3 Things I Loved About the Snowstorm

1.  The snowstorm happened Friday night and all day Saturday.  Therefore, everyone was home and didn't have to go out in the mess.  It was great having us all home and hanging out together.
2.  We played games together as a family! 4 games of 500 Rummy and a few games of Operation took place.  (I kept losing and it wasn't pretty!)
3.  It was (and is) absolutely beautiful!  That line going across the picture are actually the peaks of our picket fence.  So far hardly any has melted.
Did you get snow where you live?  What do you like best about a good snowday?


  1. Great post, no we had no snow here in the UK, just a lot of rain!

  2. Sounds as though you definitely made the best of it! xx

  3. I am glad it was on the weekend as well but we got far less than you which is okay with me :)

  4. I am glad it was on the weekend as well but we got far less than you which is okay with me :)

  5. I used to live in Boston and the snow is what I miss most!


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