
Friday, January 29, 2016

Tea Time ~ Operation and Snow ~ 1/29/16

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~Snow!  We got approximately 30" of snow this past weekend  :)

~We got an expected refund check in the mail!  Extra money always puts a smile on my face :)

~The girls played Operation together!  It was amazing to see them do something without fighting :)

~I am 10 books ahead in my reading challenge!  I have been reading, reading, reading :)

~I hope this picture doesn't offend anyone!  It cracked me up :)

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. That dog surely made me smile! Enjoy your family, snow and reading!

  2. Thank you so much for coming by my blog. lots of things have made me smile this week, but I have to say SNOW - the UK can't cope with snow and we would all be stranded.BBBRRR you can keep the snow, we having lots of rain and blustery storms instead.

  3. That snow looks like a lot of fun, unless you need to drive anywhere. All we have had is very wet and windy weather.Operation takes me back to when mine were little.
    Have a great week

  4. Bahahaha funny, funny! 30 inches?!?! Oh my goodness, no! Have a great weekend. xo Amanda

  5. The dog picture made me smile too, I think extra money always brings a smile to everyone. The snow storm looks like great fun, if you have nowhere to go. We ended up with just the rain and wind, tail end of the storm. It's great when the children play together isn't it? Have a lovely weekend xx

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am glad to return the favour and visit yours. Wow, what a lot of snow, we haven't seen any yet in my part of the U.K. this winter. Well done on your reading challenge, nothing like a good book is there. The dog picture out a smile on my face. xx

  7. The dog picture is adorable. I admire your reading challenge. We watched the news last weekend and heard about the huge snow totals. Thirty inches is a lot of snow! I hope you are dug out and doing OK. Enjoy your weekend, Pat

  8. The dog picture is adorable. I admire your reading challenge. We watched the news last weekend and heard about the huge snow totals. Thirty inches is a lot of snow! I hope you are dug out and doing OK. Enjoy your weekend, Pat

  9. That's the best weiner I ever saw!! He's so cute. I can't believe you're ten books ahead. I think you were over cautious with you goal...! Have a wonderful weekend xx

  10. That's the best weiner I ever saw!! He's so cute. I can't believe you're ten books ahead. I think you were over cautious with you goal...! Have a wonderful weekend xx

  11. That little dog made me smile! Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment!

  12. Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I love the little dog. You havw had a lot of snow - it is a good time to stay in and read when the snow is on the ground:)

  13. What a pretty weared dog! It's useful in the snow... I like vanilla tea.
    Thanks for visit, greetings from Germany

  14. There's something so cute about a sausage dog and they have such great personalities - I love the coat!
    Stay warm and cozy!
    Shane x

  15. THIRTY inches?!?!?! Where do you live? Wow!

    Haha! That dog meme is hilarious!

  16. Great smiley moments!!! Love the picture of the snow, and that doggie is very cute isn't he! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, happy weekend! xx

  17. That is a CRAZY amount of snow! I don't think we have ever had that much in Texas...we maybe get a few inches a year, but that is fun! I have been reading a lot lately. It has been my favorite activity on the weekends by the fire. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Alexis @ Chemistry Cachet

  18. Thirty inches of snow...that's a lot. It looks like you found the perfect things to do with all that snow on the ground. My kids were always ready to pull out the Monopoly game if we had a snowfall and lost power. You filed early to be getting a refund already...congrats!
    My five is #27 on the link-up.

  19. That's a lot of snow! Seeing your girls playing a board game made me smile as I remember our own enjoying the same one. Having our granddaughter come around for a meal one day this week then snuggle under a furry blanket to have a little rest made me smile. She works so hard at her studies it's good to see her relax when she can.

  20. Your post has made me smile this week. Seeing playing in the snow always pleased me. Extra money wow! Kids not fighting, total bonus and the fog picture hilarious x

  21. Wow, you got a lot of snow, the storm bypassed us. It's nice to be ahead on your reading, I just picked up some books at the library today so will get back to it. I've been busy doing some crochet projects.

  22. That's a lot of snow! Your girls look very sweet playing together. It's wonderful when that happens.

  23. What a lovely doggy coat the picture made smile, that is a lot of snow! no wonder you have been reading. Have a great weekend. :)

  24. The snow would certainly make me smile...just in my small island. It good when family play games together, that definitely makes me smile. Have a good weekend. Barbara

  25. Look at all that snow! We've managed to avoid it this winter so far - very unusual for my area here around Toronto! My kids wish it would snow though. They want o build a snowman and an igloo as all good Canadian kids do! I loved Operation as a child. I thin I need to find that for my own kids now!Have a wonderful weekend!!

  26. That is a LOT of snow. While I may not want 30", I do miss snow. Congrats on the refund. I agree, a little extra money always makes for a smile! My kids love Operation, too. Finally, we have a sweet weiner dog too and yes, they do need to be bundled up.
    Thanks for joining FF!


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