
Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/28/15

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

Rainy!  We've had so much rain here the past week but no SNOW!  I was very disappointed that we had 70F degree weather for Christmas :(
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Slimfast Shake

As I look outside my window:::
It is 11:30pm, so I can't see anything out my window.  But if I could, our Cherry Tree blossomed!  In December!  So not right...
Right now I am::::
Sitting at the computer waiting for the heartburn from eating pizza and breadsticks to go away.   Please, go away!
As I look around the house::::
I'm changing my cleaning day from Monday to Tuesday, so right now I feel like the house has blown up a bit.  We'll be taking the Christmas decorations down soon.  I'm ready.

On today's to do list::::
The first thing the hubby and I did today was go to the gym.  After we got back, I hopped in the shower, had the kids get ready and out the door we went to the movies for the Monday Special.  On Mondays, at our local theater, everyone is $5.95 and you get a free popcorn.  Being the Monday between Holidays, the theater was packed!  We're lucky we go there early or we wouldn't have gotten to see "Road Chip".  It was really cute, but we had to sit so close to the front that I still have a kink in my neck!


Happening this week::::
Monday.....Gym and Movies
Tuesday....Cleaning Day and Wash Laundry
Wednesday....  Gym and Fold/Put Away Laundry, Prayer Meeting
Thursday.....New Year's Eve Game Night at Church.
Friday....Gym, New Year's Day Dinner at my Aunt Donna's house.
Saturday....Make Menu and Grocery List, Grocery Shopping.

Currently reading::::


On the TV today::::

We finished up the DVR'd fall episodes of NCIS.

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Out at Cici's.
Tuesday - Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, apples
Wednesday - Dinner at my brother's.
Thursday - New Year's Eve (I'm Making PB&J Crescent rolls.)
Friday - Pork and Sauerkraut at my Aunt's.
Saturday - Sausage Gravy and Biscuits
Sunday - Dinner at Church (Not sure what I'm taking yet)

What I am creating at the moment::::

I am currently crocheting a Beautiful Shells Afghan for the Family Room.  The colors are Magnolia, Passion and Brown.  (cream, burgundy and brown).  I'm also anxiously waiting for the BAMCAL 2016 to start on January 1st.
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

I'm getting ready to start Walking with Women Thru the Word with Wendy Pope.  It is a year long reading of the Chronological Bible.  I did the study a few years ago and really liked it.  I can't wait to get started!

Happy Monday!!!

Linking up to :  Menu Plan Monday


  1. Hi Colletta!

    So nice to make a new blogland friend!! ;) Sorry you didn't get your white Christmas. We got a nice covering now in the northwoods and my kiddos have been loving it! Lots of sledding on their school break.

    Hope you have a wonderful and very blessed New Year. xoxo

  2. I know this weather is ridiculous!! We had some snow mixed with freezing rain, on Monday, and it was a mess!!

    Like that you put the gym on your schedule!! We just got a new gym in our town, and I’m hoping to join soon. Until then I use YouTube videos for workouts when I can. I’m 47, and need the exercise for the energy, and I find when I go long periods of time without doing anything, I find myself with more aches and pains :|

    Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!!

  3. I would like to see the new chipmunk movie. But we haven't been able to go out on a date night latly. But hope to see it. It looks really good.
    I am in California so we didn't get snow for Christmas. I am from ohio and used to snow but I didn't miss it at all. I actually like the weather here.
    I am going to have to pick up a copy of the at love's bidding. Looks like a really good book.
    Love your post. Hope you have a wonderful new year. Have a great week.


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