
Friday, July 31, 2015

Tea Time ~ 7/31/15

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~As promised, here is Laken with her new glasses!  My baby is growing up :)

~I started reading a book!  I don't know how long it has been since I sunk my teeth in a good book :)

Dying to Read (The Cate Kinkaid Files, #1)
~I started a new crochet project!  African flowers :)

~My mom bought me a new cookbook!  I love looking through them and making lists of recipes I want to try :)

~I got my Subaru back from the Collision Center!  Looks brand new :)

How's your week been?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up with Friendship FridayFriday Fragments, Five on Friday, Show Off Friday, Awesome Life,  Friday Favorites , High Five for Friday and OhHeyFriday


  1. Love the African flower square! That's one I haven't tried before. I really like the colors you chose.

  2. Hi! Visiting from the link up! Your daughter's glasses are very nice! That book looks good. I may have to try it. Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Laken's glasses are cute! I love Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. What a thoughtful gift from your mother.

  4. What a great set of frags! First, she looks awesome in her glasses! Second, yay for the crocheting! My mom did it for years and I want to learn. Let us know about the book.


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