
Friday, April 17, 2015

Tea Time ~ 4/17/15

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~Saturday was beautiful!  I opened doors and windows and let in the fresh air while I cleaned and Doug mowed the lawn.  Having a clean, fresh smelling house is wonderful!

~Doug and I had a date night!!  We got all our work done Saturday and decided to go see a movie.  I knew just the one I wanted to see.  "The Longest Ride".  It was so good.  Have you seen it?  I love Ruth and Ira's story.  Sigh....  Scott Eastwood isn't bad either!


~Sunday, after Church, we went out to eat and were able to sit out on the closesd-in deck of the restaurant!  It was good to spend time together and the food was Yummy!

Pay no attention to Kaylee's pained expression.
It is so not "cool" to be seen with your dad in public!

Note Laken's Kool-Aid mustache from Sunday School.
~We went to Family Night at the School's Spring Book Fair.  I love books and love that my kids love books too!  Here's Laken haul.  Kaylee already had her books on her shelf before I could get a picture.  BTW, it was BOGO FREE!!

~We had Family Movie night this week!  We try to do something fun with the whole family at least once a week.  You can read more about our movie night HERE!

What made you smile this week?

Linking up with Friendship FridayFriday Fragments, Five on Friday, Heart Filled Friday,  and OhHeyFriday


  1. Being with family always puts a smile on my face.

  2. I love book fairs!!! Haven't been to a movie lately--way too much going on, but I'll put that one on my list! Cute pics; thanks for the smiles. Have a great weekend!


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