
Friday, April 24, 2015

Tea Time ~ 4/24/15

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~The big thing that happened for me this week was having my gallbladder removed.  I know it isn't really something to "smile" about but I am extremely grateful that all went well.  I had an amazing surgeon who even prayed for me, himself and his team before the surgery!

~I received these beautiful Get Well flowers from my coworkers!  They are an amazing group :)

~Saturday was a beautiful day!  We spent lots of time outside swinging, walking, riding bikes and picking the few flowers that are blooming.

~Doug mowed the grass and Lilah was hilarious with her rolling around on the ground :)  It must have felt REALLY good!

~My brother took us to a Altoona Curve baseball game!  It was so much fun but more on that at a later date :)

~I finally got my baking grove back on!  lol  I made Peanut Butter Coffee Cake.  You can find the recipe HERE.

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up with Friendship FridayFriday Fragments, Five on Friday, Show Off Friday, Awesome Life,  Friday Favorites and OhHeyFriday


  1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm on my way to return the visit :)

  2. I would say getting your gallbladder removed was the biggest thing for you this week! Hope you feel great soon. Your recipe looks fabulous by the way!!

    1. I'm feeling much better. Just still alittle sore. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog!

    My little boy turns 5 months today :) That's pretty exciting!

    ~Sarah @Lullabies and Lipstick

  4. Don't you just love how dogs love rolling around on the grass. They are drawn to it.

  5. Stopping by from Mrs 4444's blog... Glad your surgery went well & it's awesome that your surgeon prayed first! Cute doggy! Smellyann @ Smellyann Strikes Again

  6. You were really up and at it after that surgery, girl. I am glad you felt well enough to have a lot to smile about this week. Stay well.

  7. So glad your surgery went well and you can get back to feeling better!

  8. Hi there Friend, you are so creative! Thank you for joining in at the Friday Favorites Link Party! I hope to see you there this week:) Christine -Must Love Home


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