
Friday, April 10, 2015

Tea Time ~ 4/10/15

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~  I'm getting back into blogging!!!  After taking a very long, unplanned break from blogging, I realized how much I missed it.  I'm looking forward to the whole process of running a blog :)

~  We rented a cabin at Keystone State Park last Wednesday through Saturday.  It was a lovely time spent with family.  Even though it rained, we still had a great time getting outside and enjoying each other :)

~  While at the cabin, we played a game of 500 Rummy.  I learned to play cards from my dad so it is always fun getting together to try to out-smart each other :)

~  I finally made the decision to have my gallbladder removed.  This didn't really make me "smile", but it is a big relief to finally know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Hope I've made the right decision!  :)

~  I made a lot of progress on one of my current projects.  It is a granny square afghan with black trimming to make it look like stained glass.  Look for pictures soon.  I'm almost half way finished! :)

~  Both girls wore dresses to Church for Resurrection Sunday!  Our Church has a very relaxed dress style.  Usually, the girls will wear jeans and a shirt.  To have them both in dresses, especially Kaylee who is 13, brought a smile to my face :)

What made you smile this week?

Linking up with Friendship FridayFriday Fragments, Five on Friday, Heart Filled Friday,  and OhHeyFriday


  1. Fun to see the girls in dresses.Glad you're back in blog land.

  2. We played a lot of cards at our cottage growing up and now we are teaching our grandchildren the games. No computer games for us.

  3. I try to get the kiddos off the computer/ipod/etc. as often as possible. Card games are a great diversion and they are learning to play a lot of different games. The youngest's favorite is Go Fish, of course :)

  4. While I still have my gall bladder many women in my family have had it removed. I guess it is not that essential.
    Blogging has become a big hobby for me. I do need to be aware of it becoming too consuming.

  5. Yes, I can get a little over-zealous myself!

  6. Escaping to a cabin sounds wonderful! We went to a concert Sunday evening and had a great time! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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