
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday ~ 5/28/14 ~ Week 7


Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were

 doing it for the Lord and not merely for people.

Colossians 3:23

Monday, after our picnic, we went to our local State Park, Shawnee.  There is a lovely trail around the lake called Lakeshore Trail that is 3.5 miles long.  It is the local spot for 5K's.

While the guys fished (I planned on fishing but ran out of time), my Mom and I walked the trail.  Here are a few pictures.  It was a gorgeous day

Now for the weigh in:  I am shocked!  Even though I got 18 miles in, I wasn't very good with my eating plan.  I was just hoping not to gain when I weighed in this morning.  Imagine my surprise when the scale was down 1.6 pounds!

Not only did I lose 1.6 pounds but I'm now in a the next lower "10's" number if you know what I mean.  Some day I'll be brave enough to post my actual weight :)

Week 7 check-in:

Miles:  18
Total Miles: 92.5

lbs lost:  1.6
Total lost:  12.6

Food Plan:  It wasn't such a great week food-plan wise.  Gotta get back at it!

Thanks for stopping by!

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. Yay for a loss this week! I'm working on losing weight myself, its a lot of hard work but worth it!

  2. What a gorgeous view for your walk! Congrats on the loss... your body must love all the moving you're doing! 18 miles is AWESOME!!

  3. beautiful pictures! 18 miles wow!!

  4. Great loss this week! Glad you found a wonderful place to walk.

  5. Yay for a loss! Great job and that's some great miles!!

  6. Great loss and really great miles! Keep up the good work.

  7. Great loss! I'm still working on the courage to share my weight too. ;)

  8. I totally know what you mean about graduating into the lower 10's! Congratulations! Feels good, doesn't it?? Thanks for sharing your pictures. Looks like it was a really nice day! #wowlinkup Lara at

  9. Great job with your loss!! I'm so close to being in that next 10's and I can't wait! So exciting for you! Keep up the great work!

  10. Eating does me in too! I start off GREAT but struggle by the evening. It can get hectic. Congrats on your total weight loss. #wowlinkup

  11. It this Shawnee National Forest in downstate Illinois? If so, it is on my bucket list of places to visit and it isn't too far away, for a week-end trip. Congrats on your weight loss and visiting from the #wowlinkup.

  12. Wow what a beautiful place to walk. Simply gorgeous. Congrats on the loss.

  13. What a beautiful lake to walk around with your mother. You are doing such a good job with your weight loss.


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