
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Family Time ~ Riding Bikes ~ 5/27/14

In an attempt to spend more time together as a family and get the girls out of their bedrooms, we've been taking evening walks/bike rides around the neighborhood.

Our youngest is 7 years old, and think that we should take her training wheels off and just let her go.  I don't think she realizes that she has to learn to balance before that can happen.

Here's a family shot with a silly face thrown in :)

Daddy staying close to the little one because she has a tendency to just tip over randomly!

Our oldest is almost 13 and likes to ride ahead of the rest of the family.  She always stops at the corners and waits for us to catch up though :)

I love this picture of Laken from behind.  Just look at those adorable pigtails!

Getting a smile from Kaylee is almost impossible.  So glad I caught this one!

Laken, on the other hand, loves to pose :)

We went full circle and once again made it back to Home Sweet Home!

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  1. Wonderful that you do this!!! Such a rare outing in this video game age!

  2. Fun photos! Such a nice family together time.


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