
Friday, May 30, 2014

Tea Time ~ 5/30/14

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~I was featured on Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday for these crescents!

~As promised here is the recipe for Cookie Monster Dessert!

My Mom and Dad's little dog, AJ, stayed the night with us Saturday while they went to a Pirate's game.  He was such a good puppy :)

~Memorial Day weekend was WONDERFUL.  Busy, but wonderful!  There will be full post coming about our Memorial Day but here is a shot I loved.

~We went to our local State Park for the first time this season.  Mom and I walked the Lakeshore Trail.  You can read more about that on my Weigh-in Wednesday post.

~Yesterday afternoon, it was rainy and dreary.  I couldn't go for a walk right away so I ended up taking a 2 hour nap!  It was splendid!

~I'll leave you this week with one of the best things about this week.  We stopped at the ice-cream stand for the first time this year.  I only got a baby cone but it was delicious!!

What made you smile this week?

Linking up with Friendship Friday, High Five for Friday, Friday Fragments, Five on Friday, Heart Filled Friday, and Coffee Date.

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. We never made it for icecream once last summer, but last weekend we made up for it by going TWICE! And while I should have got the baby cone, I did not...twice!

  2. Rainy days are the best for naps!

  3. Taking a nap on a rainy day is very productive.

  4. Thank you for posting the recipe..lovely pictures as well. Blessings

  5. I love your Memorial Day photo. Perfect!
    We went for a motorcycle ride and stopped for Gilotti's. That confirms Spring for me.
    I smiled a few times this week, its still tough to smile.
    One bright spot was recieving so many positive comments to a post I did on aging parents. I was nervous about how it would be received.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. A two hour nap would definitely make me smile! And that cake looks gorgeous.

  7. I got an ice cream cone this week and it made me very happy.

  8. It must be hard to have willpower with desserts like that around the house, but it looks like you know how to use moderation! :)

    Naps are one great thing about rainy days!!

    Thanks for linking up! You can find more info about Friday Fragments (including the time/day that I publish) here:

    Sorry it took me forever to get here...better late than never, right?! :)


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