
Friday, May 2, 2014

Tea Time ~ 5/2/14

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~ I started a Facebook Page for my blog!  Come on over and "like" me :)

~ The girls had fun putting a bow in Jasmine's hair!  It was hilarious watching her try to get it out :)

~ My dad surprised me with some grape hyacinths to plant!  They were waiting on my counter when I got home from work :)  Now if only it would stop raining so we can actually get them in the ground!

~ My mom and I had fun putting this wreath together for my door!  We searched high and low for a reasonably priced wreath but couldn't find one.  So we made one instead.  It was a fun weekend project :)  I might add some blue in.  What do you think?

~ The hubby and I spent all day Saturday rearranging my office/craft room!  I love how it turned out :)  (More on this later!)

~I turned my calendar to May!  I always get so excited about turn the page on the calendar.  What picture is on your calendar?

~ This picture made me laugh!  That is almost exactly what my hair looks like in the morning :)  Thank God for product!

What made you smile this week?

Linking up with Friendship Friday, High Five for Friday, Friday Fragments, Fellowship Friday, and Coffee Date.

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. I love turning the pages on our calenders. We have several. The ones with destinations are my favorite.

  2. The craft room looks great and I liked your page!

  3. I love turning the calandar to May especially after the crazy winter we had..
    Your office/craft room looks good. I need to get busy on mine.
    I wake up with hair just like that too.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Those hyacinths are so pretty! That was very sweet of your dad.
    LOL, I use to wake up like that, then I got a flat iron.
    I'm heading over to your Facebook page now. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Nita @

  5. That picture is hilarious! Thanks for making me smile!


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