
Friday, May 2, 2014

Feature and Follow ~ Hobbies ~ 5/2/14



Q: Share!  Tell us about one of your hobbies that is NOT reading.

My biggest hobby besides reading is BLOGGING!!!

I've been blogging for about 5 years now and have such a good time with it.  My blog is about a little bit of everything.  I recently started a Facebook Page for my blog and I'm having fun with that too!

Here is where I blog:

Some of my other hobbies are:  walking, crocheting, baking and shopping!

Have a great day!

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. I love to blog as well. (obviously) But I haven't blogged much lately. Have a great weekend.

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
    My FF

  2. I love blogging too! Your desk looks so neat! I blog on my couch or on my bed, though haha! I liked your Facebook page! :) Thanks for liking mine!

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

  3. Oh I love blogging! I started last year and I just can't stop blogging... Have a great weekend! Thanks for visiting my FF :)

  4. YUM, baking! I wish I could stop by your house and help you eat what you bake :D I've liked your facebook page, it looks really good!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  5. Thanks for stopping by Colletta..:)
    I also love blogging..Started last year and it has been pure pleasure.. :)
    New FB follower..

    -Njkinny @Njkinny's World of Books

  6. I do love blogging too and have been at it for about a year. I've thought about making a facebook page to go with it but I didn't want my facebook friends to think I was pushing the blog onto them. What made you decide to add the facebook?
    Following via GFC
    My FF

  7. 5 years, Wow! I've only been blogging for 2. And yeah, it's a lot of fun.

    Thanks for stopping by. I liked your Facebook page.

  8. Wow that's so awesome that you've been blogging for 5 years! I'm only a senior in high school, but I keep on going on and off blogging so I'm not as consistent. But really that is so so awesome. Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    New follower via Bloglovin!


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