
Friday, May 9, 2014

Tea Time ~ 5/9/14

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~ I'm hosting my first ever Swap!  It is a favorite color swap and I'd love for you to join in the fun!

~  The poor hubby was so tired after working night shift that he didn't even make it all the way through the morning paper before falling asleep.  He works so hard for us!

~It rained and rained and rained for a few days straight.  I was so glad to finally see some blue skies.

~ Our Dogwood Tree is blooming!  We were worried that it wouldn't because it got really cold for a couple nights and we thought it had gotten nipped.  The flowers look little wilted but I'm still happy!

~ Our crazy little york-a-pom thinks our bed is her domain.  She gets all excited when we play:)

~ Laken had her very first t-ball game on Tuesday.  She batted 4 times and only needed to use the "t" once!  Here she is coming into home plate.

~  And this is my very favorite picture of the week.  My loves:

What made you smile this week?

Linking up with Friendship Friday, High Five for Friday, Friday Fragments, Fellowship Friday, and Coffee Date.

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. Reading this made me smile. :-) Along with granddaughter time, grandson's little league game, motel stay and a pair of fat little birds from a friend. Thanks for urging me to remember them.

  2. A bouquet of flowers waiting for me when I returned home from errands, working in my flowers this morning, my hubby's sweet smile when he comes through the door each evening after work...these are just a few of the things that made me smile. :) And "meeting" you!

    The quilt on your bed is beautiful. Did you make it?

    One more is always refreshing to see a wife who truly appreciates her husband and children. I teared up when I read you speaking of how hard he works for the family. That is such a blessing, Colletta.

  3. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your life.... love it that you appreciate your family and your husband's work for the family. :)

  4. My hubby works the over night shift so I know that look -- it is a hard shift!
    Beautiful pic of your loves and congrats to Laken!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Love the pic of your family - your kids are adorable. And your PUP---- omg what a CUTIE!! Never heard of a York-a-pom but I love Yorkies & I love poms, I'm thinking it's a perfect mix :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Oh my goodness, your York a Pom is so cute! I have a yorkie and he's like my baby!

  7. Your dog is ADORABLE. So cute. I have a Pom-something...we're not sure what she's mixed with, but she mostly looks like a black pomeranian. :) The color swap looks so fun! I love giving gifts...I could have a lot of fun with this!

  8. Your dog is so cute! I'm still working on getting my husband to agree to get one haha!

  9. Your fragments made me smile, especially the last two. Way to go to your little t-ball champ. The rest of the players better watch out for her.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  10. Thanks for stopping by, so nice to meet you. Love the picture of your Hubby, what a blessing to have a hard working husband. I've been blessed to and now he's about ready to retire.

    I"ll check out your color swap, sounds interesting!

  11. T-ball - I remember that when the kids were little. I'll never forget one game where the second baseman (girl) got bored and took a nap on second base.
    Thanks for checking out A Few Clowns Short (I often shorten it to A Few Clowns).

  12. Great pictures! I love the sky pic and the dogwood tree pic! Hope your weekend was good!


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