
Thursday, May 8, 2014

3 on Thursday ~ 5/8/14

3 on Thursday
Click the picture to go to the link-up :)

1. Do you speak or can you translate another language? Which one?

I took two years of Spanish in high school so I know un poco Spanish.

2. If you eat Fast Food, which is your favorite Fast Food place to go?

I'm about over Fast Food.  If I had to pick, I would say Arby's where I can get a yummy baked potato.

3. I, the co-host here, lives in Pensacola and we just had some heavy rain that cause MAJOR flooding. What is the worst natural disaster you have been in?

When I was little, a dam broke above our small town and caused a major flood to come through.  I can remember wading through the water to get to higher ground.

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. Floods are tough. I've been in several.

  2. I used to love baked potatoes and I forget to make them anymore. There used to be a fast food place around here (many moons ago) that was all baked potatoes and toppings. I'd go there for lunch all the time. Yum, wish it was still around although I could easily make one myself at home. It's always so much better when someone else does it for you though!

  3. thanks for linking up! glad you were able to get to higher ground. mmm, a baked potato does sound good!


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