
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hodgepodge ~ Mayhem ~ 5/14/14

Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:

1. It's still May, right? When were you last in the middle of something that might be described as mayhem?

When we were reorganizing my office/sewing room, it was absolute mayhem!

2. When did you last feel dismayed?

When the alarm clock went off this morning :(

3. What's a food combination you like, but other people may find strange?

Mac-n-Cheese with chips :)

4. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." Do you think that's true? Why or why not?

I think sometimes opportunities pass us by and can never be gotten again.  We just need to make the best of each day.

5. US News and World Report listed the best historic destinations in the US as follows-Washington D.C, Philadelphia PA, Williamsburg VA, Charleston SC, Boston MA, Richmnd VA, Savannah, GA, Santa Fe NM, Yellowstone, San Antonio TX, San Francisco CA, New Orleans LA, and Charlottesville VA.

Of those listed how many have you seen in person? Which two sites on the list would you most like to see in person?

I've only seen Washington, D.C. and that was just a drive through.  I would love to go back and tour the sites.  I would also love to go to Williamsburg, VA!

6. May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. If you had to participate in a single fitness activity for the next half hour, which activity would you choose?


7. What did you like best about the city, town, or neighborhood where you grew up?

I'm still here so I guess I liked everything.  It is a small town with a great community.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

My hubby needs to put the air conditioner in the window soon.  It went from winter to summer within a day!


Let's get hodgepodgey!


  1. It went from winter to summer in two days where I live. We finally put away the heaters only two days ago, and today's daytime high was nearly 86 degrees Farenheit (30 degrees Celsius) in Japan. Spring seems to be too short.

    Romi @ In the Way Everlasting

  2. You would love Washington, DC...I've been there several times and I never run out of fun and interesting things to see and do.

  3. You would love Williamsburg! We lived there for 3 months at the end of last year. It is such a gorgeous place. It's in the 90's here in good old North hot already. I totally get the air conditioner...because mine is running non stop. Blessings and Sunshine from fellow hodgepodger Valerie @ Silver Linings


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