
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hodgepodge ~ Freedom ~ 7/3/13

Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:

1. What's one simple small pleasure on your summer 'to-do' list? 

Stay up late reading and then sleeping in :)

2. Do you have strong feelings or opinions regarding the immigration debate in your home country? Feel free to share your thoughts, but please play nice.

My only thoughts on this is that it should be done legally.

3.  What's something in your home or wardrobe that could be described as 'star spangled'?

Each summer I get one of the cheap ($3.88) patriotic t-shirts from Wal-Mart.  They are some of my favorite comfy clothes.

4.  Is your house set up for a party?

If we can make it a cleaning party...

5. What one never-before-visited city in America, would you most like to see?

I've always wanted to travel to Williamsburg, VA to see the historic town and sights.

6. Your favorite red food? White food? Blue food?

Red-  Twizzlers

White-  Potatoes
Blue-  Blueberries (really, what else is there?  lol)

7. What freedom do you value the most, and why?

Freedom of religion.  There are so many countries where persecution for religion in horrible.  I am thankful that I have the right to be a Christian freely.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

The hubby is on vacation this week.  Yesterday we had a Movie-Theater-Marathon.  It actually started Saturday when we took the girls to see "Monsters University".  Then yesterday we went to see "Man of Steel" and then decided to stay for an early showing of "The Lone Ranger".  Out of all three, "The Lone Ranger" was my favorite :)


Let's get hodgepodgey!


  1. I like your idea on the party! I want to see The Lone Ranger...I'm expecting Johnny Depp to steal the show!

  2. We loved Williamsburg and I would love to go back. I think my flag shirts are the comfiest too!

  3. I'm stopping by from the Hodgepodge, and I enjoyed reading your answers. Lately, I've been doing a little late-night reading and sleeping in myself :)

  4. I was thinking about seeing Lone Ranger this weekend... now you made me want to go see it more!

    Cleaning party - funny!

    I miss the days of late reading & late sleep ins... I need a vacation just so I can do that!

  5. A cleaning party! Why didn't I think of that?! LOL I want to see Lone Ranger...maybe later today. Seriously, a cleaning party--LOVE IT! :)


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