
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chats on the Porch ~ Houseplants? ~ 7/2/13

This week's questions are:

1. What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?

DO NOT rack up your credit cards.  Wish we would have listened :(

2. Do you have houseplants?

Very few and those are ones that are hard to kill.  I sometimes forget to water them.  ahem...

3. Do mosquitoes bother you or leave you alone?

They usually leave me alone but I have a big old bit right be my elbow that woke me up this morning!

4. What's your favorite charity? If you have one.

I don't have a favorite one exactly but anything that benefits children or breast cancer awareness/research are at the top for me.

5. Do you like mint? Which variety is your favorite?

Yes, I do like mint.  Fresh mint is amazing!

Let's chat and get to know one another!


  1. Yeah, I wish I had listened to that advice when I was young. It took me years to catch up but it will never happen again!

  2. Very great advice. Finally have ours paid off.

  3. is it not funny how we learn things later - why not before they happen? have a great week. ( :

  4. I wish I'd listened to your advisor. But thank God...One national disaster & 2 recessions later we are finally debt free! Now we just gotta get college paid for. Ah! The joys of adulthood...LOL...Have a blessed week :O)

  5. I am right there with you, struggling with credit card debt. I am determined to get it paid off, though.

  6. Fresh mint is amazing. Credit card debt stinks, so the advice is very good.


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