
Monday, March 25, 2013

Getting to Know: Megan AKA Absolute Mommy ~ and a Birthday Party Giveaway!!!

I've been following Megan at Absolute Mommy for quite a while now.  I absolutely adore her and her blog!  She agreed to be featured in my new Getting to Know You series and we quickly discovered that not only are our birthdays only 2 days apart (March 24th and March 26th) but that we are also both turning the big 3-5 this year!  Whoot!

We quickly decided that we need to throw a Bloggy Birthday Party!  And here we are :)

Without further ado, here are some fun facts about Megan:

Celebrity crush: Currently, Jennifer Lawrence.  Forever: Jimmy Fallon

Favorite authors:
 First thought: Francesca Lia Block Currently: Elin Hilderbrand, Forever: EB White and Laura Ingalls

Favorite book: Like Picking a favorite child, ok: Currently: A Fault in Our Stars, Hunger Games Trilogy, Forever: Love Story (and not in a cliche way)

Favorite food: Avocados, they make everything better

Go-to beverage of choice: Izze Soda: clementine

Favorite Outfit: Jeans, top, Toms

Favorite Accessory: Scarves and Toms

What's your blog/website(s)?

Why do you blog/write? What do you hope to accomplish with blogging?
It started out as something I could call mine.  I didn't feel like I had anything that was mine anymore after motherhood.  Then I remembered how much I loved writing, so I took a chance.  I've been blogging two years, and I'm hoping to either freelance for magazines and newspapers, or write a book.  On my dreaming big days, I dream of doing both.

What's the latest goings-on that you would want others to know about?I'm working right now.  It's a seasonal gig, but getting blog time has been hard, so please don't forget about me, and don't give up on me.  I'll be back to full time blogging soon.

Any words of encouragement or wisdom to impart?Always blog your true self.  Even if it's bad, even if it's good.  Don't edit you for the sake of your blog.  Also motherhood can be a real crap shoot so whatever you are doing that works for you is the best.  Horrible mothers are like big foot, someone always swears they see one, but it's mostly imagined.

Where can readers connect with you online?
Where ever they'd like.  I'm mostly addicted to Instagram and Twitter if that helps.
AbsoluteMommy Blog
Hello Cotton
Even though tomorrow is Megan's birthday, today she is giving a gift to YOU!
She is going to give away a $15 Gift Card for Starbucks AND a Featured Spot on her sidebar!
To enter:
+5 ~ Tweet, facebook or blog about the giveaway
+3 ~ Follow Absolute Mommy through any of her above social networks 
+2 ~ Follow Absolute Mommy's Blog
+1 ~ Go tell Megan "Happy Birthday!"
Please leave a comment telling me the ways you have entered and a way to contact you!


  1. Great giveaway! I tweeted about it!

  2. Wished her Happy Birthday - and Happy Birthday to you as well! :)

  3. I've followed all of her various social media for a while now...not a stalker I promise. But I do know where she'll be on May 11th- hanging out with ME! ;)

  4. Follower of her blog, one of my favorites!

  5. Said Happy Birthday on Facebook! Happy birthday to you too! I just ordered something from your etsy shop this week, without realizing you were a blogger too!

    I tweeted about the giveaway:
    I'm following on twitter: @ChocolateCraze
    And I followed Absolute Mommy by GFC!: Alison Lan

    alisonlantran at gmail dot com


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