
Monday, March 25, 2013

Fairy Tale Giveaway Hop ~ Ends 4/2

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Fairy Tales are for young and old.  I don't think we ever outgrow the fantasy and magic that surrounds a good fairy tale.  I remember imagining that I was a character in a fairy tale.  Maybe Snow White or Repunzel.

This book sounds a bit like a Cinderella or Anastasia story to me:

A Countess Below Stairs
"A Countess Below Stairs"
 by Eva Ibbotson

To enter the giveaway:

*Mandatory-  Leave a comment telling me what fairy tale character most reflects YOUR character and why.  Have fun with it!

*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a second comment telling me that you do :)

The giveaway will run until 11:59pm EST, April 2, 2013.  The winner will be emailed on April 3rd.

For more chances to win great bookishness,
check out these other giveaway hoppers :


  1. Belle from Beauty and the Beast because family is the most important thing to both of us and we both love to read! Oh, and we both look good in yellow. ;) Belle has always struck me as being a bit more soft-spoken but also willing to stand up for what she thinks is right, just like me. :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Oh! I also follow via GFC - Randi M


  3. I identify most with Belle -- she's a bookworm, she loves horses, she's a brunette, and she wants adventure! I think she's kind and can see past appearances and I hope to be that too.


  4. I follow you via GFC -- katethesape

    (my e-mail is katethesape [at] gmail [dot] com)

  5. I think that would have to be beauty and the beast. I love my husband, but on the outside he is a beast to others and some wonder what I was thinking. Well I could see more inside then he allowed others to see. He has changed for the nicer to others as he has always been to me. I now see him making and keeping friends. I think a little love goes a long way. lisapeters at yahoo dot com

  6. I dunno in a way I feel like Belle from Beauty and the Beast...always with my nose in the book and big dreams

  7. I follow via GFC Danielle Williams

  8. Belle from Beauty and the Beast because and we both love to read :D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. GFC Follower: Jennifer Haile

    volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

  11. Snow White, because I live near a forest, surrounded by animals!

    volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

  12. Snow White, I am busy caring for and loving many dwarves of all ages in my life!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  13. I'm a follower.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  14. Ariel. Even though I don't live under the sea, all I want to do is explore the world!

    alisonlantran at gmail dot com

  15. Cinderella. I found my prince in shining armor, he was a military man in camoflouge! We don't have a castle, but we do have a little craftsman home. And yes, we have lived happily ever after!

  16. I follow you with GFC, my user name is Melinda Dartmann

  17. beauty and the beast! my hunny is a big burly guy 6'3", 265lbs, but a big teddy bear while i am 5'3" and 120lbs!

  18. I love fairy tales. I actually wrote a paper for my Literary Non-Fiction class about the resurgence of fairy tales in popular culture. This was last year when the two movies based on "Snow White" came out along with the tv show "Once Upon a Time…" and then "Cinder" came out. It was quite an explosion of fairy tales in mediums. I concluded that because of the rough economic times, people were grasping for something to escape to. In fairy tales, the impossible happens. The disenfranchised become the heroes and heroines. They rise to power and usually become a King or Queen. We are still clinging to the American dream and through the use of fairy tales we get to live that dream. As far as my favorite fairy tale goes, I love "Beauty and the Beast." I love it so much that I have thought seriously about naming my first daughter Belle. In books, I love retellings of fairy tales like "Cinder" and "Ella Enchanted." In TV, the show "Beauty and the Beast" on the CW is one of my favorites and in movies, I loved "Mirror, Mirror," "Beastly" and "The Wizard of Oz." Also, a big fan of the musical "Wicked."
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  19. I follow via GFC: Meghan Stith

    mestith at gmail dot com

  20. Cinderella... before she does daring things involving fairy godmothers and princes. I'm shy with a naturally quiet personality, and I enjoy working in the kitchen!

    1. forgot email...

  21. GFC: Ashley Van Buren


  22. I would say that Belle most reflects me because I love to read books like her.

    leanniegehrke at hotmail dot com

  23. Peter Pan! I don't know why but he always reminded me of myself. I never want to grow up either. lol


  24. Follow your blog by GFC. Leanne

    leanniegehrke at hotmail dot com

  25. GFC: TiffanyLove


  26. Belle, in Beauty and the Beast because I absolutely loved reading, books and literature. However, I think I most resemble Mulan, because of her free spirit and her fierce loyalty, and her love of family! :)

  27. GFC Follower: ~Enamored Soul~

    Hira H.

  28. The Twelve Dancing Princesses, I have studied dance since I was little everything from ballet, tap, jazz, folk and more! When the urge to dance comes to me I never let it pass me by and I dance the night away like the princesses! :D

  29. GFC Follower: Christina Torres


  30. Cinderella, because after 42 years of having a hard life, I finally met the man of my dreams and life is great!

  31. GFC follower - Kat Riley
    rilekat2 at gmail dot com

  32. Belle was always my favorite; as a child I identified with her love of reading and her big dreams. I also like to think I've tried to keep in mind her ability to see beyond the exterior and appreciate a person for who s/he really is.

    dancingcelt at gmail dot com

  33. ilove to read and follw you esty and gfc as derie and deistheblonde

  34. gfc follower: cynthia clubbs
    email: cc_clubbs[at]yahoo[dot]com

    I'm Cinderella--hard working, called Cindi, mean sister, lol.

  35. Id Say Cinderella All Work And No Play Lol


  36. I Am An Email Follower


  37. My favorite Fairy Tale character is The Beast. He was in hiding because he thought he was ugly and didn’t think anyone could love him for who he is. He didn’t love himself. Until Bella came along. And she taught him to be comfortable with who he is and love himself. Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!
    GFC Follower: Lisa Vazquezanzua

  38. I would say Sleeping Beauty, because I like sleeping, and I am always willing to be woken up by a kiss from my prince charming (my husband)!

  39. I think I'm like Beauty--I tend to look for beauty within rather than without.

  40. gfc (Ruth)


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