
Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Monday! What Am I Reading ~ 2/4/13


The book I am currently reading is:


Page-Turning Romantic Suspense Set Against the Backdrop of a Small Mennonite Town.

Lizzie Engel is used to running away. At eighteen, she left her Mennonite hometown, her family, and her faith with plans never to return. Five years later, Lizzie finds she'll have to run again. False accusations at her job, a stalker, and a string of anonymous threatening letters have left her with no other options. This time, however, her escape is back to Kingdom, her hometown. 

As Lizzie becomes reacquainted with Kingdom, she realizes she may not have left her Mennonite roots and her faith as firmly in the past as she thought. She draws on the support of Noah Housler, an old friend, as she hides out and attempts to plan her next steps. 

When it becomes painfully clear that the danger has followed Lizzie to Kingdom, suspicions and tensions run high, and she no longer knows who to trust. With her life and the lives of those she loves at risk, Lizzie will have to run one last time--to a Father whose love is inescapable.


This is the first book in the "Road to Kingdom" Series.  I have book #2 "Unbreakable" next on my list to read for a Litfuse Blog Tour Review.  I wanted to read the first book in the series so I would have the full background before review "Unbreakable".

So, far Lizzie has had to leave Kansas City with her daughter and return to her childhood home of Kingdom.  She didn't have a pleasant childhood due to a very strict father who won't allow her to return home to stay even though she and her daughter have no where else.

An old friend who owns the town small restaurant has agreed to let Lizzie stay in an apartment above the restaurant and work for her.

I'm really liking the book.  I thought I'd read the first chapter or two before bed last night and ended up on page 87 before making myself turn the lights out.  I look forward to reading more!

What are you reading today?


  1. Awesome idea for a Monday! I am currently reading The Year the Colored Sisters Came to Town by: Jacqueline Guidry. The title originally put me off, but it takes place in 1950's Louisiana, and I was drawn in from page 1.
    Have a Happy Monday!
    Beth @
    Free Spirit Books


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