
Friday, January 18, 2013

Fitness Friday ~ Winter Runner(Walker)land 5K ~ 1/18/13

It ended up pouring down the rain on January 11th so I had to put of my Winter Runnerland 5K until Sat, January 12th but I already had my bib printed off with Friday's date.  Oh well.  I'm glad I got it in before the whole house became a huge vat of flu germs!

I finished in the same time as my Resolution 5K on January 1st at 1:01.  My husband joined me for my last lap but he wanted to talk!  Couldn't he tell I was concentrating?  lol

It felt really good.  Will I ever feel good again?  :(  Actually, I can tell a bit of a difference today.  My sleep is still really restless and I feel weak but I don't ache and hurt like I have for the past few days.  As I mentioned in my Oh So Thankful post yesterday, the girls are doing much better!

If I can just get some housework done today, I'll be happy.  Hopefully, by Monday, I'll be able to start walking again.  Just in time for the 16F degree weather to hit...

Anyway, that makes 2/13 5K's in the books for me!  Yay!

My next 5K is scheduled for January 25th for Runs For Cookies Birthday.  I hope to feel a lot perkier by then.


Daily Exercise Summary:

Fri, 1/11/13 - Off.  Heavy rain and sick kid :(

Sat, 1/12/13 -  Winter Runnerland 5K  1:01  Beautiful weather :)  Dist. = 3.1 miles

Sun, 1/13/13 -   Off.  Family time and Church.

Mon, 1/14/13 - Sick kids, Dr appts., prescription filling blah of a day ;(

Tues, 1/15/13 - Sick kids fighting with each other, better be on the mend because they're going to school tomorrow kinda day!

Wed, 1/16/13 - Me sick...

Thurs, 1/17/13 - Me sick...

Total Miles This Week:  3  :((((
Total Miles in 2013:  17


Friday Weigh-In

1st Goal = T - 10 lbs

12/28/12 = Weighed in for starting weight.  Felt like crawling back under the covers!
1/4/13 = -2.0 
1/11/13 = +0.2
1/18/13 = -2.0

Lost Toward 1st Goal: 3.8 lbs
Total Lost:  3.8 lbs

Crocheting a 6" square for every pound lost to make a "Life-ghan" with Cris.

Squares allowed:  3
Squared completed: 0



  1. WAY TO GO!

    I did several 5Ks the first time I lost weight. I'm practically ashamed of myself for NOT continuing - BUT that will change. I plan on signing up for some this year and then (me oh my) taking it up a notch to a 10K.

    I don't know what it is with friends and family that think you want to talk while running.... what is up with that? LOL

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Congrats on #2! Sick kids in my house too :(

    He wanted to talk? Really? Your husband isn't a runner is he ;)

    Hope you're feeling better as you read this :)


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