
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dreaming of Books Giveaway Hop ~ Ends 1/24

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I have been having some crazy dreams lately.  It seems like my dreams go in cycles and I'll have a week of really weird dreams.  Some of them feel so real!

I've heard that sometimes people dream that they are drowning so I decided to give away the following book for this hop:

Submerged (Alaskan Courage, #1)
 by Dani Pettrey
Alaskan Courage Book #1

To enter the giveaway:

*Mandatory-  Leave a comment telling me if you have weird dreams and what they are about.  Do the books you are reading ever make their way into your dreams?

*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a second comment telling me that you do :)

The giveaway will run until 11:59pm EST, January 24, 2013.  The winner will be emailed on January 25th.

For more chances to win great bookishness,
check out these other giveaway hoppers :


  1. I've had some pretty weird dreams, but most of them I can't remember after I've woken up! Lol. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  2. I also follow your blog via GFC.

  3. I have crazy dreams. There isn't a lot of rhyme or reason to them. Sometimes I am in dire straights hiding out from a killer. I had a dream the other night that I was having a very long conversation with two old college friends. They both were wearing bright green shirts. This stood out to me when I woke up. It was just plain odd. I often dream about the same town. My dreams really are very realistic and like extensions of my life, but just taking place elsewhere and a little odder. A few weeks ago, I dreamt that I was in a Subway restaurant and Rhett from the Rhett Walker band sat at the table next to me. I told him that I was stoked the band would be part of the Rock and Worship Roadshow. A week later I was given the assignment at my radio station to interview him. That was weird. KellysShining(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. I have had lots of weird dreams. I once dreamed I was attacked by monkeys and I was kicking them in the head. I was actually kicking my husband, which he didn't appreciate.
    I follow on GFC as Tia

  5. GFC Tia

  6. I think the weirdest dreams I have, or at least the ones I don't like the most, are the ones that seem to go on repeat and I can't wake up but I know I'm asleep and I keep thinking I wake up only to still be in a dream... over and over and over again. Those are annoying. Books I read do often get stuck in my dreams as I read right up until my eyes close so sometimes I fall asleep and dream the entire book or seem to continue the book from where i stopped (I sleep weird so I tend to remember a good majority of my dreams). :) This was a fun post!! Sorry for the long rambling! Thanks for the giveaway chance as well. I should probably go back to my reading now.

    Shelly Hammond

  7. I follow by GFC under the name, which just so happens to be my name, Shelly Hammond :)

  8. I dont have weird dreams
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  9. GFC follower Maryann Skaritka
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. Sometimes the books I read do come into my dreams!

  11. GFC: audreyclair

  12. I used to have a dream of jumping over puddles and it's never ending; puddles as far as the eye can see!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  13. GFC: books4me

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  14. Thanks for the chance to win! I personally have very weird dreams on occasion. I usually don't remember them but just get bits and pieces of the weirdness. I don't think any books have ever made it into my dreams but maybe. saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

  15. Thanks!
    GFC: Erika
    saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

  16. That's funny that you asked if what we read finds its way into our dreams, because that happens to me!! I don't remember all my dreams but when I do I realize that what I was reading is part of my dream. I thought I was the only one! lol
    Thank you for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  17. I have weird dreams all the time, but usually impacted more by what I watch on TV than what I read.

  18. GFC follower -- Savings in Seconds


  19. I have weird dreams all the time and I seem to remember more times than I don't. I also have dreams featuring this boy from my middle school class who I haven't seen in eight years. I usually dream about him when I'm stressed or have slept too long.
    I don't think I've ever had an instance where a book's storyline has ended up in my dreams. But, I usually envision a famous actor as the lead male role and sometimes, he will sneak into my dreams.

  20. I also follow via GFC, Meghan Stith.

  21. I think anybody with a great sense of adventure and imagination puts theirselves into a book and then it does somehow invade their dreams where they live it. I've done it alot. It's nice, unless your a horror book reader LOL

  22. Following by GFC, user name is Melinda Dartmann

  23. I always have strange dreams and without fail the current book I am reading will make it's way into my dreams. That makes for some interesting dreams when I am reading Stephen King's latest. And didn't everyone have to fight their way out of the arena every night when they were reading The Hunger Games series? It couldn't have been just me :)

  24. Following via GFC Shannon Rhea

  25. I do have weird dreams - not usually about what I'm reading, but sometimes about things I've seen on TV. Usually, I'm back in collage and forgot to study for a test, or forgot my high school locker combination and can't go to class, or aliens have invaded.

  26. I follow as Renee G on GFC

  27. I do have weird dreams but I can't really describe them, they are always different. Every part of my life or day makes it's way in there - books, tv shows, conversations, events...everything :)

  28. The only dreams I have a traumatic, and horrific about past events. Hence, my sleeping problem. I can't remember ever have a normal or just weird dream.

    GFC follower - Brooke Banks


  29. I've often had the plots from books I'm reading make appearances in my dreams. The horror ones were particularly unsettling.

  30. GFC- Lisa Richards

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  31. Can't remember them. Don't dream about books.


  32. I usually can't remember mine.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  33. I have very weird dreams. About all different things. e(dot)sadlersfan(at)yahoo(dot)com

  34. GFC/e.sadlersfan

  35. I'm currently reading Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry and I find myself dreaming about the main characters all the time. It is very weird because usually when I wake up I don't remember the dreams but, I do remember it was a bout Echo and Noah the main characters.

  36. No, I never had weird dreams that I remember.

  37. The more common wierd dreams reflect on what im stressing wether it be school, life, ect. and just have a very strange setting. The more rare freaky dreams just make no sense; like alice in wonderland where im the main character and im in a wierd world. Its nothing like Alice in Wonderland its just so hard to decribe!
    Yes Ive had quite a few Harry Potter dreams, as well as Eragon!
    There was this one dream where I wanted to read the Body Finder but nobody in my dream wanted me to read it.

  38. I follow via GFC as Samantha Deen!

  39. I have a lot of weird dreams most of the time I can't remember them though. I've noticed if I've had a bad day at work I will have all kinds of crazy dreams about it.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  40. GFC - Sherry S.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  41. Well, this is I have a LOT of strange dreams (with no connections to books, BTW), but the all-time strangest dream I had was that I saw a poodle walking toward me, and it was hot pink and wearing a black hat. When it turned sideways, I realized it was only HALF a poodle!
    Reading this, I think I should win on the basis of weirdness, not to mention the courage it took to tell strangers that story! LOL

  42. I do have weird dreams, I look at them as book ideas. Last night though it included a skating rink, some soccer balls, and radiation. It was a bit sad.

    Thank you for the giveaway.


  43. I forgot my email.


    abinormyl AT gmail DOT com

  44. I usually try to stop reading about an hour before bed or I will dream about what I am reading.
    My dreams are always weird. Last night I dreamed that I was driving in a flood.

    I'm a follower

  45. I been having dreams that it looks like I'm looking down at myself, but my body looks like I'm 10 and its in black and white.
    and once in awhile the people from the books I read come into my dream.

  46. brett- it happens to brett also.

  47. don't dream anymore, don't get enough sleep anymore - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  48. i always have weird dreams some i don't remember but one was i was on a boat and water filled up then we were thrown out onto a beach and giants were bowling or fighting i don't remember now. sometimes the book i am reading dose come out a little in my dream.
    kaholgate at ymail dot com

  49. fallow GFC kimberly
    kaholgate at ymail dot com

  50. My dreams are actually very realistic it's scary


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