
Friday, January 11, 2013

Fitness Friday ~ Shin Splints ~ 1/11/13

I have been getting some major shin splints this week while on my walks.  Yesterday was almost unbearable!  I'm thinking I need a good pair of shoes and also some warm-up stretches before heading out.

So what is your favorite running/walking shoe?

Do you know of some good stretches for shin splints?

I planned on walking 5K for the Winter Runner(walker)land Virtual 5K today.  I even put today's date on the bib, but it looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow.  It is raining today, which wouldn't matter but I also have a sick kid home from school.  Bummer...  Tomorrow the hubby will be home and it is supposed to be beeaauuutiful.  We're talking 60F and sunny.  In January.  In Pennsylvania.  Crazy!

I finally remembered to set my van's trip meter to zero before pulling out of my driveway the other day!  I drove the lap around my neighborhood and guess what?!?  1 mile exactly!  I just have to remember when I do a 5K to walk up to the corner and back in addition to 3 laps :)


Daily Exercise Summary:

Fri, 1/4/13 - The sunshine was beautiful and the wind was might!  I only did 1 lap due to some, er, chafing in an, um, delicate area...  Dist. = 1 Mile

Sat, 1/5/13 -  Shopping trip and groceries.  I'm counting it!  Dist. = 1 mile

Sun, 1/6/13 -  Off.  Church and family time.

Mon, 1/7/13 -  My shins were tight for the first half of my walk today.  I tried working on my posture and it seemed to help.  Dist. = 2 miles

Tues, 1/8/13 - It was a balmy 36 degrees today.  I even had to take my gloves off!  Shins were tight again today.  Maybe I need some special stretches before I walk.  Dist. = 2 miles

Wed, 1/9/13 - Didn't want to, but I did!  I was so glad to cross it off my list for today.  Dist. = 2 miles

Thurs, 1/10/13 -   Major shin splints! 5K tomorrow.  Dist. = 1 mile

Total Miles This Week:  9
Total Miles in 2013:  14


Friday Weigh-In

1st Goal = T - 10 lbs

12/28/12 = Weighed in for starting weight.  Felt like crawling back under the covers!
1/4/13 = -2.0 
1/11/13 = +0.2

Lost Toward 1st Goal: 1.8 lbs
Total Lost:  1.8 lbs



  1. I am trying to figure out what to do about shin splits too! But right now stretching is working the best. Before and after a work out. And when I feel them coming I stop and stretch. Be safe and careful! :)

  2. My shoe of choice is Newtons! I'm still transitioning to natural running but, honestly, all of the tweaks and twinges stopped after I started running in them.


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