
Friday, January 11, 2013

Coffee Date ~ 1/11/13

Won't you come meet Alissa (above), me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, everyone!  I hope you're having a good week.

~It is probably a good thing that this Coffee Date is virtual.  I have a sick kid at home today :(  I wouldn't want to spread the germs and I guess I probably shouldn't leave her here alone to suffer by herself.  Just kidding.  I would never do that!

~I just cannot get motivated today!  It is rainy and dreary and I may or may not have stayed up too late last night reading.  I'm reading "The Tutor's Daughter" by Julie Klassen.  I posted a Dream Cast of who I would pick to play the parts of the characters.  You can see that HERE.  I showed great self-control by stopping at pg. 270 not staying up until the wee hours of the morning to finish the book.  It is so good!  I've loved all Julie Klassen's books.  Have you ever read one of her books?  Do you have an author that you absolutely love?
The Tutor's Daughter

~I shared yesterday about my struggles with depression and anxiety.  I was so moved by one of the commenters.  She has just recently been diagnosed with depression and is just starting to learn how to cope. I really feel like God lead me to write about this topic yesterday.  I'm doing well and would otherwise not have mentioned it but I just felt the need to share about this issue with my new readers.  It is a hard topic to write about but it is a part of my life so I feel that it should be a part of my blog also.

~Speaking of new readers:  I hit 1000 followers this week and actually went over and above and now have 1027 blog followers.  WHAT!?!  I can't believe it!

~Does anyone else still have their Christmas tree up?  We do but only because we have been so busy and haven't taken the time to take it down.  It is looking very sad and droopy.  Pretty soon the ornaments are going to slide off as well as all the pine needles.  This is a must-do for the weekend.

~Here's some eye candy of my nephew, Dexi Doo, having a little snack of mashed potatoes in his walker.  (Look at the big boy feeding himself.)  He had his 9 month check-up this past week and is in the 100th percentile for his height and weight.  The pediatrician thinks he's going to be a football player :)  And he is walking like a pro already!  At 9 months!  My girls didn't start walking until around 13 months.  Gush, gush, gush.  I love him so much!

~I'm off to either wash the dishes or snuggle on my bed and finish my book.  I'm not telling which one...

So, how was your week?  Any big plans for the weekend?


  1. So sorry for the sickies. That's never a fun endeavor. I'm hoping your book was good while you snuggled on your bed. They make a good combo if you ask me. Happy Friday!!

  2. Hi, having little ones you will have lot of sick days in the home, just do what you have to do and dont miss out on the important parts of "kids are special".
    I bet the book gets your atention soon -I know how I am when I am near the end and just need to find out what will happen. I want to read this one too, she is good author and have read some of her work before. isn't that a pretty cover, they had such beautiful dresses and that is something I think we miss out on by dressing so causual now.
    Have a great weekend.
    Paula O(

  3. I love this virtual coffee date! :)

    And, it lends to the reason I stopped by; I picked you for this blog award/blog hop and am hoping you'll choose to join in!

    My post about it is here:

    If you choose to participate, I can't wait to read even more random stuff about you!

    Thanks, Colletta! :)


I love reading your comments! Unfortunately, due to spammers, I now have to moderate comments.