
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chats on the Porch ~ 1/9/13

This week's questions are:

1. What's your favorite thing to have in hot cocoa/ hot chocolate?

Mmmm...  Hot Chocolate :)  See it makes me smile!  I love whip cream, marshmallows or even just some French Vanilla.  I must go make some now.

2. Did you have a white Christmas? Have you had snow since then?

We DID have a white Christmas!  It started snowing right before Christmas and the snow is still here but slowly melting as we have a heat wave of 38 degrees coming through.  I even heard it might hit the 50's this weekend!  You can see some Snow Fun HERE.

3. Have you been looking over seed catalogs? If this doesn't apply, what kind of catalogs do you like to leaf through?

Not yet.  We should be starting to receive the catalogs in the mail in the next few weeks.  My husband and Dad sit and study over them for hours making their wish lists.

4. Gas stove or electric?

I have an electric flat-top and I LOVE it!  Gas stoves scare me.  My aunt has one and it always makes me nervous when I turn it on.  I have visions of the whole thing blowing up in my face!  Scary!

5. What's new or interesting?

New or interesting?  Hmmmm?  I've been trying to walk 2 miles every day (except for weekends) and have a 5K planned for this Friday.  I also walked a Resolution 5K on January 1st and should be receiving my very first medal in the mail soon!  So excited about that :)


Have a great day!


  1. I love the Eeyore mug! He's always been a favorite of mine. I like the hot chocolate too! Cute picture with the snowman.:) Walking is the BEST exercise. You can get all the benefits without hurting yourself. I need to get back to my walks. They help keep me sane too. Have a great week!

  2. congrats on the 5k. I am wanting to start walking but so far haven't managed for one reason or another.


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