
Friday, November 16, 2012

Coffee Date ~ 11/16/12

Won't you come meet Alissa (above), me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

-I missed our Coffee Date last Friday.  Things have been really hectic the past two weeks or so, but I'm hoping for a nice relaxing weekend.  I'm going to start it off by sleeping in!

-We just got home a little bit ago from helping to put together Thanksgiving baskets that will be given to some of the needy in our community.  It is something that our Church does every year and it is always rewarding.  It is also fun to get together with friends and work on something worthwhile, talking and laughing the whole time :)

-I've been doing pretty well with getting to the gym.  It is a 20-25 minute drive one-way, so my goal is to go on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and do a longer workout on those three days.  I'm liking this schedule so much better than trying to go every day for shorter workouts.  I've also found a great time to go is right around 10:30 am.  There's hardly anyone there.  The early morning crowd has gone and the lunch-time crowd isn't there yet.  I'm already feeling stronger and healthier.

-My Mom and I sat down a few days ago and synchronized our December agendas.  It is something we do every year.  We make sure that we both have all the dinners and programs on our calendars and decide when to go on our Christmas Tree Expedition.  We try to plan a Girls' Shopping Trip and also a day to get together to bake cookies.

-I made my Christmas shopping list, too.  We're still not sure what to get the girls.  I'm making a lot of gifts this year.  Hopefully.  I already have a good number done but I still need to find time to finish up some other gift projects.

-Kaylee's first "official" Jr. High Basketball practice was today after school.  She has been going to the Open Gym practices all summer and fall and is really loving it.  They will be doing a lot of conditioning exercises the first week.  She is going to be one tired girl!  I confess that I'm excited for the season to start.  I really enjoy watching the girls play.

-I hope to get a few new items added to the Etsy shop this weekend.  The samples have been made and I've even taken the pictures, but I just haven't found the time to sit down and list them.  I have some "Hunting Buddy" sets and "Snowflake" sets to add.  BTW, the deadline to order for Christmas is December 12th!  Come check it out :)

-I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!  Spend lots of time with your loved ones and make sure to eat some pumpkin pie.  I can't wait!  I love Thanksgiving :)

So, how was your week?

1 comment:

  1. I spent today celebrating Thanksgiving with my family. (We have our Day one day late)


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