
Friday, November 16, 2012

Book Blogger Hop ~ Mix n Match ~ 11/16/12



Book Blogger Hop

This week the BBH is being hosted by Butterfly-O-Meter Books.

Q.  Mix’n'Match: The bookish gods are giving you free hand, you can pick any one character (book, TV series/movie, play etc) and inject them into a different novel of your choice. Which character and series would you mix’n'match?

What in interesting question!  I've never thought about this before.  Let me do that now.......

Ok, I've got it.  This was hard!

I would put HGTV's Scott McGillivray into Nora Roberts' "The Inn Boonsboro" series.  An unmarried Scott McGillivray, so that I could read a book with him as the main man.  I love him!  And I'm sure the restoration of the Inn would have gone much smoother and quicker with him on the scene :)
The Next Always (Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy #1)


Have a great day!


  1. I am sure all things would have gone smoothly with him on the scene. :)

    Happy Hopping!! Stop by for my answer if you like.

    Silver's Reviews
    My answer

  2. Hehe, it's a fun thing to contemplate, isn't it? :)

    New follower :)


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