
Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude 2012 ~ Day 1


I am grateful for:

My husband, Doug.

1.  He accepts me as I am.
2.  He is a wonderful father.
3.  I know God picked him out just for me.
4.  He strives to be a good Christian.
5.  He has a gentle heart and strong hands.

Thank You, Lord, for Doug.


  1. I like your comment for today and so appropiate for the month of Novemeber....
    I saw on another site the word Eucharisteo, and its meaning of being thankful spoke to me. I like words, well anyone that reads as much as I do could say that I suppose. Hope you are doing well and the month is a good one for you.

    Paula O(

  2. Very nice and I think we all need to take time daily to be thankful of all the goodness in our lives


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