
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chats on the Porch ~ 10/31/12

This week's questions:

1. How are you when there is a storm?

I usually don't mind or even like storms.  I like the cozyness of being safe and sound inside while the weather is frightful outside.  During this storm, though, I was a bit uneasy.  My husband is on 2nd shift this week so he was working during the worst of the rain.  That left me to deal with the kids when the electric was flickering and then when we were under mandatory evactuation for my neighborhood.  My street isn't named River Drive for nothing!

2. Are you doing anything special in November?

I'm going to be doing "30 Days of Gratitude" on my blog.  I'll be starting tomorrow and hopefully will continue all the way through the end of November.  I posted yesterday with the graphic and the host info if you want to check it out.

3. Do you wear glasses or contacts?

I got my first pair of glasses either 6th grade.  I've been wearing contacts since 7th grade when I started playing Jr. High Volleyball and my glasses were a big pain.  I always hated wearing my glasses anyway.  I loved when I switched from Daily Wear contacts to Extended Wear!

4. Salty snacks or sweets?

Both.  Together.  At the same time, please ;)

5. Who would you bring to the farm with you for a chat, a tour, or perhaps a visit with Wendell?

Without a doubt I would bring the hubby and girls to visit Wendell.  I don't think Wendell would be wanting for attention with those three around.  They'd spoil him!  They are major animal lovers.  You probably wouldn't be able to get them to leave!

Have a great day!


  1. I hope you're safe after the storm. Prayers still going up for everyone who was and is in its path. Have a blessed rest of your week.

  2. I prefer the comfort & safety over the chaos outside, too. I'm happy we live in a place where we aren't threatened by such uncertainties.

  3. I too like my salty and sweet mixed and I love storms, there is something romantic and breathtaking about them, I am always in awe.

  4. Sorry it tool me so long to get over to your blog. Between my writing project and an open house at our farm tomorrow, I've been swamped.

    I say yes to either salty or sweet too! I felt terrible when I heard you had mandatory evacuation. I hope all is well. That would be so scary for me. I'm a real whimp about storms since the tornado hit here years ago. I used to go out on my dad's boat in storms and never gave it a thought. Funny how we change.
    Wendell would love all the attention.
    Have a great week!


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