
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wishing and Waiting ~ 10/3/12

These are two books, one released, one un-released that I can't wait to get my book-loving hands on!


 Wishlist Wednesday is hosted by Pen to Paper 
spotlights a book that has already been released and I can't wait to get my hands on.

Deliver Us from Evil: A Novel

"Deliver Us From Evil"
Series: N/A
Author:  Robin Caroll
Published:  2/1/2010
Publisher:  BandH Books
Wishdate:  3/14/2011
Position on PBS:  #5

A beautiful yet tough woman working in a beautiful yet tough setting, Brannon Callahan is a search and rescue helicopter pilot for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Strong faith and a decorated history of service have kept her one step ahead of on-the-job dangers, but there’s no precedent for what’s about to happen. After a blizzard takes down a small plane carrying U.S. Marshal Roark Holland (already haunted by a recent tragedy), Brannon must save him in more ways than one and safeguard the donor heart he’s transporting to a government witness on the edge of death. Otherwise the largest child trafficking ring in history—with shocking links from Thailand to Tennessee—will slip further away into darkness along the Appalachian Trail.


WOW hosted by Breaking the Spine spotlights
an up-coming release that I'm eagerly anticipating.

Strong and Stubborn (Husbands for Hire #3)

"Strong and Stubborn"
Series:  Husbands for Hire Book 3
Author:  Kelly Eileen Hake
Release Date:  11/1/2012
Publisher:  Barbour Books

Ride out west to join the last sawmill bride as she attempts to select her mate. Naomi Higgins isn’t about to settle for just anybody. Carpenter Michael Strode and his son—a chip off the old block—are ready to start a new life. Can they convince Naomi to be a part of their future when problems from the past still haunt Hope Falls? Will secrets sabotage the struggling town—and any hope of romance?
Wishing and Waiting until next Wednesday,


  1. I really hope you enjoy this one! here's my wishlist:

  2. They both look very captivating...enjoy!

    Here's MY WOW POST

  3. Both look interesting - hope you get to read them soon.

  4. Your wishlist wednesday sounds interesting. Might have to check that out myself.

    My WW

  5. Nice picks, I need to check it out ;)

    My WW

  6. They look great especially Deliver Us from Evil. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I got Strong and Stubborn from Netgalley. I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the friend request on Goodreads.

    ~Danica Page @Taking it one Page at a Time

  8. I love reading books centered around that time period.


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