
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chats on the Porch ~ 10/3/12

This week's questions:

1. If you could instantly play a musical instrument, which one would it be?

This one is easy.  Piano.  I would love to sit down at a piano and just automatically start playing something wonderfully elaborate or I'd even settle for being able to just do more than plunk one note at a time.  I just can't fathom how someone is able to use both hands while reading all those notes!

2. Do you have a fireplace, wood-stove, or pellet-stove?

No.  We have electric heat. Turn a dial and we're toasty warm.  Growing up we had a wood-stove and I remember days that the fire wouldn't burn well and we froze!

I would love to have a fireplace though.  Even a gas fireplace with fake logs would do :)

3. What's your favorite addition to brownies?

Icing.  Preferably peanut butter but any kind would do :)

4. Do you use much bottled water?

I try to have bottled water on hand at all times.  I drink bottles water throughout the day and it is also great to grab on the go.

5. How much did you weight as a newborn?

7 lbs 14 oz.  Just a little less than either of my girls.


Have a great day!


  1. I'm a piano dropout. All I can say is it takes a lot of practice and focus. It was something I didn't do much of at the time but yeah, I might like to pick it up again one of these days :)

  2. We have central heating which rarely gets used. The air conditioner is on most of the time. We can't live without it.

    Have a blessed rest of your week.

  3. I think peanut butter frosting on a brownie sounds good. Piano is a beautiful instrument. All four of my daughters play to one degree or another. My oldest had aspired to be a concert pianist, but changed her mind the year before college. At least she can still play well for enjoyment. I hope she can keep up with it. Have a good rest of the week!


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