
Friday, October 12, 2012

What's New With You ~ 10/12/12

Won't you come meet Alissa (above), me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Here's what is new with me this week:

...What a morning!  It started off fairly normal with the kids whining about getting up for school.  My youngest was complaining about a belly ache but that is her go-to complaint for trying to talk me into letting her stay home.  I gave her a drink and the "you're OK" speech and we set off for school.  I helped her out of the van and was putting her backpack on her when..........SPEWWWWW!  In the school parking lot...  Needless to say, she came right back home with me.  She grabbed her blankie and is now curled up on my bed fast asleep.  She didn't even take her shoes off.  Poor kid.

...Last week, Alissa gave a homework assignment to come up with a list of 5 words that I would like to be used to describe me/my blog/brand.  I came up with my list fairly quickly and I look forward to learning more about branding.
1.  Christian
2.  Wife/Mother
3.  Homemaker
4.  Reader
5.  Handmade Shop Owner
...Last weekend was Homecoming.  It was really cold but we had a great time.  Saturday evening was "Hyndman's Got Talent".  Kaylee sang in an all girls group of 6-8 graders accompanied by their music teacher on the piano.  They sounded like angels and I cried!  It was beautiful.  This is the song they sang performed by the Londonderry Chorus in 2008:

...Our dishwaser went kaput.  Dead.  Gone.  We are now officially a "dishes-by-hand" house.  Surprisingly, I'm not minding it too much.  That is actually shocking for me!  lol  It reminds me of drying the dishes while my Mom washed as I was growing up.  I've been getting Kaylee to dry and she complains exactly the same way I did when I was her age.  It is scary!  lol

...I joined in a new bookish meme yesterday called "Dream Cast Thursday".  It was so much fun!  Basically, you take whatever book you're currently reading and decide who you would cast for the movie version of the book.  My husband actually helped me decide who to cast.  You can see my post HERE.  If you are a reader, you should join in.  These are the actors I picked for this week.

 ...We got some of the most exciting news on Sunday!  I've saved it for last.  My cousin, Eric, and his wife, Michele, are expecting!  They were up from VA visiting and came to Church on Sunday.  After services, he came over to me and handed me a ultrasound picture.  I think I squealed right there in the Church!  I was getting ready to cry when they told me to wait.  He then handed me another picture and said "This is the other one."  What!!!!!  And then another picture, "This is both of them together."  TWINS!!!!!!!!!  I could NOT believe it!  Even now, just thinking about it makes me want to bounce up and down in my chair!  lol  Eric is only a few years younger than me and we grew up more like brother and sister.  In fact his actual sister is Steph whose little boy, Dex, I have claimed as nephew.  I plan on claiming aunthood with these new little ones also.  And there is a possibility they could be born on my birthday, March 24th!  The doctor is only going to let her go until March 27th so you never now.  Eric and Michele on their wedding day 6/26/2010:

...Today is grocery shopping day, so I have to get out of my comfy clothes for a bit.  My Mom and Dad are going along and they'll be here soon.  Gotta go!

So, how was your week?  What's new with you?


  1. Twins! Awesome!! I bet Donna is ecstatic!

  2. Aww I always love when I hear of people expecting twins - I feel ridiculously spoiled to be blessed with twins! Enjoy your weekend. The book cast thing sounds like fun!

  3. Aw - poor little one! Hope she feels better soon! Love your 5 words - you're doing great implementing them!


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