
Friday, October 12, 2012

Book Blogger Hop ~ Fall Books ~ 10/12/12



Book Blogger Hop

Today the BBH is being hosted at Soon Remembered Tales.

With Autumn upon us and Halloween drawing near, what books remind you of fall? What ones do you enjoy reading that are about autumn?

I don't really have any books that I specifically enjoy reading in the Fall because I'm a read-em-and-leave-em kinda girl.  I don't like to re-read books.

However, I do enjoy reading books that match the season.  Summer books in the summer.  Christmas books at Christmas.  Etc, etc, etc.  (Love the "King and I" :)

Along that line, I just read a book that was taking place in the fall.  Even the cover screams "FALL" at me! 

Isn't that cover gorgeous!?!

My review of the book is scheduled for October 16th.  I can tell you that it was really, really good.  But then, everything by Susan May Warren is really, really good :)

Have a great day!


  1. I agree, that book looks perfect for fall! I really love the cover. :)

    J'adore Happy Endings

  2. I picked that book too! I haven't read it yet but I'm going to this weekend! And I totally agree about SMW's books always being good! She is my favorite author and have read all of her books but two novellas and this one!

  3. I agree...don't read specific books in the fall, but I did choose a few scary, murder ones for this week's question.

    Stop by if you like for my post.

    Silver's Reviews

  4. I do love that cover!!! Gorgeous!

    Thanks for stopping by Literary R&R! =)

  5. You're the second post I've seen with that cover. So Autumnal!


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