
Monday, October 8, 2012

Listicles ~ Happy Together ~ 10/8/12

Today's list is supposed to be about compliments.  I wasn't sure which way to go with this other than another gushy post about the hubby that would make everybody gag. 

As I was debating, I started thinking about how many times the words "compliment" and "complement" are used incorrectly.   (Because I almost did it!)  I knew they had two different meaning but I looked it up so I could get the details right.  My high school English teacher, Mrs. VanMeter, would be so proud!

Compliment - A compliment is an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration.

Complement - A complement is something that gives completeness to a thing, or makes whole.

So, I could give my husband 10 compliments or say that my husband complements me (he completes me.....barf.  lol).  But because I'm hungry this morning I'm going to go with the following for my listicle today:

"10 Foods That Complement Each Other"

1.  Peanut Butter & Jelly

2.  Macaroni & Cheese

3.  Spaghetti & Meatballs

4.  Bacon & Eggs

5.  Burgers & Fries

6.  Chicken & Dumplings

7.  Cookies & Milk

8.  Cake & Ice Cream

9.  Chips & Dip

10.  Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes (supper tonight :)

So, what are some items (not just food) that you think "complement" each other?
Happy Monday!


  1. Love your take on this! Also I'll take some mashed taters and meatloaf..mmmmmmmm good!

  2. What a great spin on this week's topic! Very original. Love it!

  3. Can I come for supper?!?! Gat take on the listicle. Also we are all about oohing and aaahing over your happy love.

  4. Man, you made me sooo hungry! My complement addition would be ranch dressing with anything. No, seriously. Anything. Love it! :)

  5. Can I come for supper?!?! Gat take on the listicle. Also we are all about oohing and aaahing over your happy love.


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