
Monday, October 8, 2012

A Musing ~ Favorite Series ~ 10/8/12

Each week Miz B at Should Be Reading asks a bookish question to muse over.

"Do you have a favorite series? Do you have a favorite book out of that series"?

I've read tons and tons of series!  I mean tons!  Some stand out in my memory, others don't so much.  I do have 2 different series that I especially loved.  One is Inspirational and one is Mainstream.

Inspirational:  "Mark of the Lion" Trilogy by Francine Rivers.  My favorite of the 3 books is a hard call between book 1 and 2 but I think I'd have to go with Book 2.

An Echo in the Darkness (Mark of the Lion, #2)

Mainstream:  I've mentioned my favorite mainstream series on my blog before.  It is hands-down "The Bridgertons" by Julia Quinn.  Picking a favorite is a lot harder because they are all so GOOD!  But I usually go with the very first book of the series that I read, Book 5.  (Then I went back and read them all :)

To Sir Phillip, With Love

Musing along,


  1. I LOVE the Bridgerton series and I desperately need to catch up! I think my favorite from that series was Romancing Mr. Bridgerton! :)

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  2. I haven't read these....they do pique my interest.


  3. Hmmm, I haven't heard of these books. I'll have to check them out.

  4. I haven't heard of either of these series. They look like something I might need to check out!

    Thanks by swinging by Better Read Than Dead

  5. Have not heard from either one of those. Have to check them out.

    Thanks for stopping by on Ciska's Book Chest

  6. I also like historical romance and have read the Bridgerton series. Here are my choices:
    The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss.
    Thomas Lynley series by Elizabeth George

  7. I haven't read these books, but I do love series books. Thank you for stopping by my blog.


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