
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Its OK ~ Brrrrr! ~ 10/11/12

Its Ok Thursdays

Its OK

...that I can barely keep my eyes open right now.

...that I really want to crawl back under the covers.

...because it is only 31 degrees here in PA.

...that I had to defrost the van this morning.

...that said van is running on fumes.

...because I didn't feel like standing in the 31 degrees to get gas. want to wait until it warms up a bit to go for my walk. really not want to go at all.

...for me to just want to curl up on the couch all day. catch up on my DVR'd shows.

...for me to need a down day to relax.

...that it just might be today :)

Have a great Thursday!


  1. Oh my friend I sooooo hear you on the brrr... cold ... and don't even get me started on the it's dark by 6:30 pm and it's still dark at 7:00 am.. Curl with a good book , cup of tea and stay warm..xo

  2. i don't think i ever watch live tv...yay for dvr!

    happy thursday!
    xo, sarah grace

  3. There's no shame in having a day to lay low and do absolutely nothing. Wow, i thought it was cold here :) im just going to keep quiet. I wanted to curl up on the couch today too, but im not on vaca until Sunday. I hope you have a great weekend! Stop by to say hi if ya get a moment?



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