
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chats on the Porch ~ 10/10/12

This week's questions:
1. Do you like to have a variety of handbags, or are you happy with one old favorite?

Well, I usually get a new handbag in the spring and then again in the fall.  I've accumulated quite a collection but never use them for more than one season.  After carrying around the same handbag for 6 months, I'm just done with it.  My Mom, on the other hand, will use the same pocket book for years and when it wears out she'll search for one just like her old one.  She's not big on change.  Me, I like to mix it up :)

2. Do prefer to have your hair long or short?

I always, always, always had long hair until after the birth of my youngest daughter.  I slowly went shorter and shorter until I had very short bob.  It was fun to have short hair for the first time EVER, but I'm in the process of growing it back out.  I missed my long curls.

3. Are you doing any crafts for fall?

I have an etsy shop that starts getting busier this time of year.  (You can see my shop button on the sidebar.  Come visit!)  So, I've been pretty busy with orders.  For Fall we've added a Scarecrow baby set and hats and I'll be listing a Turkey set soon.  So cute!

4. What's your favorite sweetener to use?

Sugar.  Plain and simple.

5. Tell me something interesting.

Something interesting.  Hmmm...  I have no idea.  Nothing seems interesting right now. Ok, I've got something.

I was doing some research on fraternal twins a few days ago.  The most common fraternal twins are one boy and one girl.  In fact, 40% of fraternal twins are a boy/girl set.  The next common combo is two girls and the least common is two boys. 

I can't say why I was researching this topic until after this weekend.  I've been sworn to secrecy :)

Have a great day!


  1. I am like your mother with one exception. I had the same good leather handbag for 6 yrs and replaced it this year..with something totally different.

  2. My brother and sister are fraternal twins, and there are several fraternals in our family. Sounds like your research is pretty accurate.

    Have a blessed rest of your week!

  3. Oh, I can't wait to know why you're doing the research. I'm gonna head over to your Etsy shop...I love to crochet, too!!!

  4. i love your etsy shop! my stepsister is having a baby next month so i might order something from you... i love owls and sock monkeys!!

  5. We didn't do the lumberjack dinner but the Hatfield/McCoy one was pretty good.

  6. I tend to carry handbags for too many seasons. I'm practicing for being older:) I think it's so neat that you have an Etsy shop. I'm so hopeful that my daughter and I can have one, but I've been a big chicken about setting up the whole thing. It probably isn't as hard as I make it out to be in my mind. If we get going,I may come to you for advice. Have a great Friday and weekend!


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