
Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 9/9/12


One of the highlights of my day while in the hospital this week was when my husband would come to see me and bring the mail.  He knows how excited I am to get the mail everyday and see if there are any books.  He can be a sweetheart when he chooses!

I would see him walk through my room door with packages and it was all I could do contain my glee!

Along with that, I would like to encourage all my lovely readers to take the time to send a card or note to those who are in the hospital or even homebound.  I know I will be stepping up my efforts in this area.

Now, on to the fun stuff:

Books new to my TBR pile:

A Sheetcake Named Desire (A Piece of Cake Mystery, #1)

"A Sheetcake Named Desire"
Series:  A Piece of Cake Mystery Book 1
Author:  Jacklyn Brady

Steamed (A Gourmet Girl Mystery, #1)
Series:  A Gourmet Girl Mystery Book 1
Author:  Jessica Conant-Park & Susan Conant

You Don't Know Me (Deep Haven, #6)
"You Don't Know Me"
Series:  Deep Haven Book 6
Author:  Susan May Warren
Source:  Publisher for Review

Breast Cancer!  You're Kidding... right?  Living Life Through The Prism of Uncertainty And Having A Good Time!
"Breast Cancer!  You're Kidding...Right?"
Author:  Catherine Doughty MS, CCHI
Source:  Author for Review

"The Bloody Mary Club"
Author:  Debbie Dyke
Source:  Publisher for Review

This Week's Bookish Posts

-Musing ~ Me?  A Writer?
-Teaser Tuesday


"A Man of Honor" by Loree Lough
"Taming the Wind" by Tracie Peterson
"Undending Devotion" by Jody Hedlund


Please see my sidebar for current giveaways!

Coming This Week:

Monday 9/10:  "Glastonbury" Book Promotion

Tuesday 9/11:  Books to Movies Giveaway Hop
                  "A Man of Honor" Drawing

Wednesday 9/12:  "Taming the Wind" Drawing

Thursday 9/13:  Book Review:   "Rivers End" by Melody Carlson
"Unending Devotion" Drawing
Reading Clean Drawing

Friday 9/14:  Under the Sea Giveaway Hop


I'm linking up to Stacking the Shelves, Mailbox Monday hosted this month by BookNAround , The Sunday Post, The Sunday Salon and Showcase Sunday.

Lovely reading!


  1. Sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Thank you for the reminder. I will go today and send a few cards. A card always lifts my spirits.

  2. All your books are brand spanking new to me anyways.

    Great haul of books. Come visit me as well.


  3. I hope you are soon well and back to your routines.

    Your books look so good! I especially love the look of The Bloody Mary Club.



  4. Nice haul!! :D
    Sorry to hear you're in the hospital, feel better soon. :)

    Happy reading!
    My StS!!

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon. Enjoy your haul, they all look really good.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  6. Great week and the titles from your book haul had me laughing! Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  7. Oh I love your new books, I didn't know them but now I really want to. Happy reading!

    here is mine

  8. Sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Looks like your books for this week are going to make you hungry for food that's not hospital food! Happy reading.

  9. Hope you are better soon and out of the hospital, enjoy your reads.

  10. Mail is definitely a pick-me-up. I'm sorry to hear that you're in the hospital though. I hope you are better and that you get lots of fun packages in the mail this week too!

  11. I'm loving the cozies in your mailbox! I hope you're out of the hospital soon and feeling better.


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