
Monday, September 24, 2012

Listicles ~ The Miller Homestead ~ 9/24/12

As we were driving to my cousins wedding in Virginia a few years ago, we kept seeing signs with house names.  Granted they were more like farms and estates but I decided I wanted to name our 0.33 acre "little patch of heaven."  We brainstormed for a few miles and then decided "The Miller Homestead" fit well enough.  We're not fancy, shmancy.  So, without further ado:

"The 10 Rooms of The Miller Homestead"

1.  The Family Room -   It used to be our attached garage but it end up holding junk instead of cars.  We finally decided it would make more sense to use it as living space.  And so began our DIY Family Room Makeover.

2.  The Laundry Room - Is very tiny.  It is actually just a hall off of the kitchen that used to lead to the garage-turned Family Room.  It can get quite noisy when the washer and dryer are both running.  But its OK, that is what the volume button on the TV is for.

3.  The Kitchen -  I love my kitchen.  You might have noticed it at the top of my blog :)  It isn't overly large but isn't small either.  With the bar, I have tons of counter space which is very nice when baking.  Especially all those Christmas cookies!

4.  The Dining Room -  Also not large but serviceable.  It basically has a dining room table, a book shelf and the bird cage.  Oh yeah, this is where Sky, the bird lives.  I love to hear him/her ? singing.  There is a sliding glass door that leads out on to the back deck.  I would love to put French doors here someday.

5.  The Hall Bathroom (aka The Girls' Bathroom) -  Off of the Dining Room is a hallway that leads to the girls' bedrooms.  This is also where the main "guest" bathroom is.  Well, the guests have to negotiate the princess toothpaste, Pet Shoppe toothbrushes, various bubble baths and shampoos and stray clothes that 2 young girls leave behind even though they are supposed to pick up their things every morning and every night.  But really, the only people who come very often are my Mom and Dad, so no big deal.  They don't mind.

6.  Laken's Bedroom -  Right now, I refuse to enter.  How one 5 year old girl can have so many clothes, I don't know.  Any why they refuse to stay in the dresser drawers is also a mystery.  Enter at your own risk.

7.  Kaylee's Bedroom -  Kaylee has actually started taking better care of her room.  Meaning there are walkable paths around the bed.  Which by-the-way, she has been sharing with Laken at night.  Neither of them wants to be alone at night so it has been working out so far.  Plus it got Laken out of our bed.

8.  The Sewing/Craft/Library/Office Room -  What was our Living Room pre-Family Room, is now basically "my room".  I have my bookshelves, 2 computer desks, a sewing table/laundry folding table, a counter space for cutting & ironing (underneath are my bins of fabric), my mailing station, and a closet and a cupboard full of yarn and crochet projects.  It can get quite messy in here.

9.  Our Bedroom - It is supposed to be our sanctuary.  It ends up being everybody on the bed including the dogs to rest or relax.  I like to snuggle so most of the time I don't mind.  We have implemented a "Knock first" rule.  Mos to of the time it is disregarded.

10.  Our Bathroom - Again, somehow becomes everybody's bathroom.  The girls have even been known to go right by their bathroom to come use ours.  I've heard this is a pretty normal occurrence with other households.  I may be wrong.  Again, we're working on this.

Well, the only thing I didn't mention is the storage closet that holds the water heater and anything else we can fit in there!

And that my friends, is The Miller Homestead.  At least the inside of it...

Happy Monday!


  1. Nice that you have your own room for your projects. Does anyone actually use living rooms for their intended purpose?

  2. You are not alone. My kids are always in my bathroom and using my stuff. Ellen

  3. I love that you named your home! The Miller Homestead sounds fantastic!

  4. Kids are going to start using my bathroom?! Ugh! Hopefully my boys will just stay out of my stuff and play with their dad's stuff (highly unlikely huh?)

  5. And there I was thinking mine is the only annoying one that is occupying my bathroom even though he has his very own. Our kids have way too much clothes. I have not bought him any since he was an infant. Yet we always get so much given to us. I am grateful, but does he really need 20 pairs of pants???!


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