
Friday, August 3, 2012

TGIF ~ FF ~ BBH ~ 8/3/12

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q: Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?

Yes.  I find that my moods influence just about every area of my life!

If I'm feeling stressed, I usually go for light, fun, romantic reads.  I have to be in a good mood to be able to read anything that is even the slightest bit stressful or about a tough topic.

Then there are times when nothing on my pile will strike me.  That is when I'll find a good movie to watch to maybe go buy a new book that I've had my eye on.  This will usually get me out of my funk.

Book Blogger Hop

Q.  When a book goes “viral” (Hunger Games, Fifty Shades, Twilight), do you rush out to read it like everyone else, even if it’s not in your typical genre?

The answer is:  No. looks like something I would really like to read.  Such as, The Hunger Games.  I had seen the movie previews and thought it looked really interesting.  I wanted to read the book before seeing the movie so I bought it even though it isn't in my typical genre.



Q.  Book Olympics: In the spirit of the Olympics, which books would you give the gold, silver, and bronze medals to? It can be from any genre, new or old.

This is a REALLY hard one!  I essentially have to pick my top 3 favorite books!  I'll have to think a minute.  OK...   Gold:  
Before Ever After
To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgerton, Bk 5)
Fancy Pants (Only in Gooding!, Bk 1)
Happy Friday!


  1. Many people feel like they must balance the stress in a book with relatively no stress in their lives...just human nature, I guess.

    P.S: I'm a new follower! Don't be afraid to fearlessly visit my "Frivolously Follow Me this Friday!" post. Many thanks to you!

  2. I like to read the book before the movie also.

    I am a mood reader for everything, genre specifically.

    Hype from my faithful blogging friends I will be swayed by.

  3. My mood definitely make me read certain books. I am a new follower - check me out at

  4. This hop question was an easy one for me to answer as well!

    I like your Olympic medal selections there, have to check those out

    Happy reading :)

  5. Hello stopping by from the parajunkee hop! New follower via GFC.
    Please follow back at

    I don't read to fix my moods, I just read what I like.
    Happy Friday!

  6. I haven't heard of any of your medal choices. Gah! So many books to read, so little time.

    Glad to have found you via the Hop!


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