
Friday, August 3, 2012

High Five Friday Fragments and Favorites ~ 8/3/12

PhotobucketMommy's Ideafriday favorite things | finding joy

5 Highlights from the past week:


1.  I reached over 500 followers on this little blog!  I was so excited watching as I gained each new follower.  Each and every one is so appreicated :)  I get excited with each and every one!


2.  I picked out and bought paint and fabric for curtains!  My mom and I are going to start with the Kitchen/Dining Rooms on Monday.  So much work but I really look forward to the results.

3.  We had Bible School last weekend.  The kids were so good!  On Sunday night we had a programs and cookout.  The kids sang the songs they had learned and recited the memory verses for their parents.  We had a really good turnout and a fun time was had by all!

4.  I finally, finally, finally got our Bedroom cleaned.  With Doug working 3rd shift and sleeping during the day it is hard for me to get in there to really clean.


5. The girls and I are officially "In Training".  That means early to bed and early to rise in preparation for the new school year.  So far it is going pretty well.  I'm really enjoying getting back to doing bedtime devotions with the girls before tucking them in.

I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on the 500 followers. I doubt I EVER get there.

    It must be "back to school time" 'cause I had another nightmare about going back to school.

  2. This is my first time visiting you. Congrats on #500. I too get excited for every follower. Although I haven't reached 100 yet. I'm grateful for all the ones I do have. :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Congratulations on having 500 followers! Woohoo!

    I hope you can join me in my weekly link up on Flashback Tuesdays. Add up your own link and share your memory! You can check out last week's post here:

    You can check out my H54F post here:


  4. It is nice to meet you via Friday Fragments. I have been having such difficulty with my follow thingy since I switched to word press (cause I had too, not because I wanted too) Congratulations on 500, you will be at 1000 much faster:)
    I hate the thought of school starting. It means my grandkids cannot stay with me as often:( Have a Blessed week!!


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