
Friday, August 10, 2012

TGIF ~ FF ~ BBH ~ 8/10/12

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q: What would you do over if you were to start your blog again from scratch?

I don't think I would do anything differently.  It has been a learning process and continues to be with each and every day.  I maybe would have started blogging sooner.  That is the only thing I can think I would like to change.


Book Blogger Hop

Q.  Who is your go-to author when you are in a reading rut?

Great question!  I have a few go-to authors.
Julia Quinn-  I've read every one of her books.  Love her!

A Night Like This (Smythe-Smith Quartet, Bk 2)

Deeanne Gist-  I've also read ALL of her books.  I have to grab them up as soon as they are released.  No waiting on her books.

A Bride Most Begrudging

Cathy Marie Hake-  I've also read all HER books!  She's another snatch it up author for me.

That Certain Spark (Large Print)



Q.  Unexpected Books: Which books did you have reservations about reading, but ended up loving once you did?

Another great questions.  I've just started reading some YA again.  So I've been a bit leary about some of them.  But.... I LOVED:
Anna and the French Kiss


The Hunger Games (Hunger Games, Bk 1)
Happy Friday!


  1. I see we both loved Anna and the French Kiss. -_- I agree that at first glance, it's not much, but when you read it, it's quite something.
    Marian @WheneverLifeGetsTough

  2. I have a few favorite authors I go to when I am in a rut to get myself jump-started again. They usually have a book I haven't read yet.

  3. Romance, especially historical romance, is my go to genre, but I don't have a go to author. And I loved The Hunger Games too!

  4. I found you via the Book Blogger Hop :)

    I haven't read any books by the authors you chose, but the books look good :)

    My Post.

  5. Stopping over from the Book Blogger Hop.

    I'm not a big reader of YA but I loved the Hunger Games, after refusing to read it for like a year!

  6. I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised by the Hunger Games as well - it really was well-written! I'm visiting from the Feature and Follow Hop. I'm from Mother Daughter Book Reviews and I'm now following you via GFC and RSS. Would love for you to come visit us and reciprocate the follow. Here's the link to the post explaining how you can follow me:

    Please be sure to check out our Summer Reading Weekly Book Giveaways if you visit. Have a lovely weekend. Cheers!

  7. Can you believe I've never read anything by any of the authors you mentioned? *Sigh* So many books, so little time ...

    Happy Hopping!

  8. Good answers to all three questions.

    Stop by to see my response if you like.

    Silver's Reviews

  9. Hi! Your answer was great!(: I'm a new blogger! Mind checking out my blog?(: And maybe possibly follow?(x

    New follower!

  10. I still am leary about reading the hunger games. Maybe i'll give it a shot sometime soon! If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest posts!

  11. I agree with you. I love Hunger Games, too! I’m glad I dropped by from BBH. I’m your newest follower.
    My Blog

  12. Great answer. I love the covers that Gist and Harke usually get for their books.

  13. Awesome go to authors and HF is my go to genre too :)


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