
Friday, August 10, 2012

High Five Friday Fragments and Favorites ~ 8/10/12

PhotobucketMommy's Ideafriday favorite things | finding joy

5 Highlights from the past week:


1.  I took the girls along with the Church Youth Group to Laurel Hill State Park on Saturday.  They played, fished, swam and went for a hike.  The parents, who happen to be my great and awesome friends, sat in the shade at the picnic tables and yakked the whole time.  Great company, great weather, great kids!

2.  The Kitchen/Dining Room are now "Quiet Providence Peach"!  The Sewing Room is now "Vacation Seaside Blue"!  The Family Room will soon be Muted Flowering Currant!  I'm bringing some color into my life :)


3. Not only is the Sewing/Craft/Computer Room a new beeeeeautiful color, IT IS ORGANIZED!  Yay!!!!!  I can actually get to my sewing table.  I set up a special "Mailing Area".  My yarn in tucked neating into a very large cabinet and the closet neatly holds my samples and pre-made items.  It is lovely.  Hope I can keep it this way :)


4.  Last night was the first pre-season football game for my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers.  They played the Philadelphia Eagles.  It was a battle of the PA teams.  It was exciting even though it was pre-season and the Steelers LOST by ONE stinkin' point!  Argh!  lol

5. I saved the most touching and heart-warming item for last.  One of my favorite moments this week was seeing Kaylee sitting at the table with her Bible and worksheets from Church Camp.  She told Laken that she needed quiet because she was doing her devotions.  I was and still am so proud.  That's my girl!


I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I applaud your painting projects. I need to have my front rooms painted and can't seem to settle on a color. It seems like such an enormous project that I talk myself out of it.

  2. That whole sitting at a picnic table in the shade with friends talking thing sounds heavenly to me!


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