
Friday, August 24, 2012

Sanity Saving Routine Chart (remix)

I originally wrote this post about 2 years ago.  I wanted to update it and repost it for those of you who might be new to the school-year and how crazy and hectic those mornings and bedtimes can be.  Hope it helps!

It was the week before school was to start and I was dreading the inevitable fighting in the morning to get ready for school, the afternoon of doing homework and the night to get ready for bed and the new day.

I was trying to forget about all that when I came across a post at New Nostalgia about routine charts. Now, we had tried chore charts in the past with no success. But, I decided to give it another go for the sake of my sanity and mother/daughter relationship.

I thought about what reward to use.  For Kaylee we decided on an allowance system. She gets $0.50 for each day that she completes every one of her tasks. She gets paid when we get paid, which is every two weeks. She can use her pay for the student store, book orders, Dollar General, whatever she wants. It is her spending money and once its gone, its gone.  For Laken, we're still debating what award to use.  Any ideas?

Here's what we did for their charts:

I used DLTK's Custom Chore Charts to print them off. Then we pasted them onto colored posterboard. The girls decorated them with stickers and then I put them into a page-protector so they can use a dry-eraser marker and we could just wipe it clean at the end of the week.  (You can also use a simple spreadsheet to create your chart.)

We taped them on their walls in an area where it is easy to access them.

These are Kaylee's old charts.  Her's look different now than they did then.  I made individualized charts for each of the girls because their ages are so far apart.  Each child will really need one customized just for them.

Morning Routine:
Afternoon Routine:
Bedtime Routine:
I think you should be able to read what we have included in each of her routines. If not, let me know and I can type them out, but only you can know what you need for your child(ren).

Don't forget to post any ideas of a good reward system for a 5 year old!
Good luck to you! Let me know if you try it and how it goes.

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