
Friday, August 24, 2012

High Five Friday Fragments and Favorites ~ 8/24/12

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5 Highlights from the past week:


1. The girls and I made their new routine charts for the school year.  I let them pick out the colors for the lettering and then they spent a WHOLE afternoon decorating them!


2.  We  have been practicing for school next week.  I've been "trying" to wake them up early and we pretend that it is a school day.  They do their Morning Routine and we see how quickly they can get everything finished.  We even packed in the van and drove up around the school for an authentic "school morning" feel.


3. Wednesday we went for the second round of shoe shopping.  It was almost as bad as the first round.  The girls just could NOT decide which shoes to get.  We basically made the rounds through the same stores as before and FINALLY they picked out their shoes!  I was so relieved....


4. After shoe shopping, we got our hair trimmed.  Kaylee is growing out an inverted bob and it needed shaped, majorly.  I got my eyebrows done, a Redkin Shot to condition my hair.  I'm also letting my hair grow so all I got cut were my dead-ends and some long side-swept bangs.  It was so nice to sit in "the chair".  I was overdue.


5. Last night was the Elementary Open House.  We got to go see Laken's classroom, her cubby for her coat and book bag and her seat.  She decorated a name card that she will wear around her neck to school everyday next week.  We didn't really need to "meet" her teacher, because her brother was one of Doug's best friends in school and she was only 2 years older than me and graduated with my brother.  Just one of the benefits of living in a small town :)

I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. What a mom you must be! I can tell you that in all the years it took to raise 4 children, with 11 years between the oldest and youngest, I never ONCE gave them a practice round of getting ready for school to start.

    Not Once.

  2. Keetha's right; you truly are a wonderful mom. GOOD JOB! :)

    Thanks for linking up. Have a beautiful Sunday.


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