
Monday, July 23, 2012

Listicles ~ Birthdays ~ 7/23/12

I'm not sure what I want to do with this prompt simply called "Birthdays".  I've seen reasons people hate birthday, why people give awesome parties, the good, the bad and the ugly of birthday, etc.  What to do?  What to do?

Maybe I'll talk about actual "birth"days.
"10 Birthdays"

1.  My birthday is March 24th.  I was born at 7:14 am by C-section.  It was the best day of my mother's life.  lol  My birthday usually marks Spring for me.  I know that the daffodils will be blooming and that even though I have had snowy birthdays, Spring is just around the corner.

2.  Doug's birthday is June 9th.  He was a surprise baby for his parents.  His older brother was heading to college when they found out Doug was on the way.  Later, his mom would say how much of a blessing Doug was even though she wasn't thrilled at the time to find out she was expecting!

3.  Kaylee Ann was born on June 13th at 6:22 pm.  My water broke the night before but she just did not want to come out into this world.  Finally it was decided that a c-section was necessary.  After struggling to give birth for all that time, it was such a relief to know that there was an end in sight.  Her birthday is usually associated with summer now :)

4.  Laken Amelia was born on February 2nd at 1:15pm by c-section.  The whole time I was pregnant I kept saying that I just hoped she wasn't born on Groundhogs Day.  And don't you know, she was.  Now I enjoy the fact that she is my groundhog baby and we look forward to making the trip to Punxatawny sometime in the future for her birthday.

5.  My Dad's birthday is July 3rd and of course it is always associated with the 4th of July.  We usually combine the celebrations.  This year he turned 65.  Now he's an official Senior Citizen!  Side note:  he was 13 lbs when born.  My poor Grandmother!

6.  My Mom's birthday is November 14th.  She's the only November birthday in the family.  Her birthday means Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  She is the 4th of 8 children but has the mindset of a first-born.

7.  My brother's birthday is August 17th which is a popular birthday in our family.  Shares it with 2 other extended family members.  He was the firstborn for my parents.  I always associate his birthday with school coming soon.  School shopping, etc.
8.  My nephew, Dexter, was born on March 29th, just 5 days after my birthday.  I've always been the lone March birthday until now.  His Mommy, Steph, is actually my first cousin but we grew up more like sisters.  I am an honorary aunt and I take my job seriously :)  I love that baby more than I can say!

9.  I have to talk about my other birthday.  My Spiritual Birthday.  On June 3, 1990, I made a committment to follow Christ for life and was baptised in Wills Creek.  The water was flowing so swiftly that I remember holding on to a bolder in the middle of the Creek to keep from floating downstream!
10.  And most recently is my daughter, Kaylee's, Spiritual Birthday.  July 19, 2012 at 6:40pm, my firstborn was baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  I was never so proud and happy in my life!  It was all a bit surreal!

So that is my take on the "Birthday" prompt.  Maybe not as fun as some lists go, but to me when I think "Birthday", I think of the people whose special day it is.

What about you?

Have fun!


  1. Love #9 and 10! Great list :)

  2. aw i love it- great take on the list!

  3. I loved your associations. And #9 and #10 were inspiring. I'm glad your heart took your list there. Ellen

  4. Wow. I love the image of you hanging on to the rock because of the rushing water. You are a day off of my Dad's birthday on the 23rd and your dad has my sister's birthday on the 3rd. Enjoyed learning about your family.

  5. Such a fun post. I was raised just miles from Punxatawney Phil. My sister's dr. wanted to schedule her son's birthdate on Halloween. She talked him into the day after!

  6. I love how special and interesting your list is. Also your mom and my son are November babies!!

  7. i love your unique take on the topic of birthdays. The pictures of your daughters are adorable.

  8. Our kids almost have the same birthdays! I loved reading your list


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